Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to CSS officers: Clarification by DoP&T vide OM dated 13.07.2022
F. No. 21/15/2022-CS.1(P)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions,
Department of Personnel and Training
(CS.I Division)
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated the 13th July, 2022
Sub: Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to CSS officers โ Regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departmentโs O.M. No. 21/2/2009-CS.1(P)(pt.) dated 13th October 2021 vide which it was clarified that in terms of the guidelines issued by this Department vide O.M. dated 24th January 2020 in partial modification of the RTP guidelines, CSS officers of all grades i.e. ASO/SO/US/DS/Director are required to report to CS.I Division (DoPT) on their return from Deputation/ Long Leave/ Long Term Training.
2. It has come to the notice of this Department. that some of the cadre units while sanctioning the long leave (exceeding six months period) etc. to their officer, do not endorse copies of the leave sanctioned, to CS.| Division (DoPT). Due to this, CS.I Division, being the Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) In respect of all CSS officers, remain clueless in all such long leave matters.. Consequently, the officer concerned reports to the parent Ministry/ Department on return from long leave etc..
3. As this practice is against the guidelines, all the cadre units of CSS are directed to adhere to the above guidelines notified vide this Departmentโs O.M. dated 13th October 2021 and copy of such Orders (long leave granted to the officer/ deputation etc.) may invariably be endorsed to CS.! Division. It is clarified that the onus to report to CS.I Division on return from long leave etc. will remain on the officer concerned.
4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(George D. Toppo)
Under Secretary to the Government of India