CGHS yearly contribution deposited by retired employees: Clarification by CGHS to KVS

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CGHS yearly contribution deposited by retired employees: Clarification by CGHS to KVS


CGHS yearly contribution deposited by retired employees: Clarification by CGHS to KVS

File No. 1-1/2022-CGHS/C&P/1274
C. G. H. S. (HQ)
Sector โ€” 13, RK Puram New Delhi โ€” 110066 Phone โ€” 011-20863474

Dated:06 July, 2022


The Asstt. Commissioner(Admn)
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ)
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi-110016

Subject: CGHS yearly contribution deposited by retired employees reg.

Kindly refer to your letter No. 11086/02/2017-KVS(HQ)/Admn.-II/PT-I/417-418 dated 17th June, 2022 on the subject noted above.

It is informed that as per Order No. 7-1/201 3-CGHS/part-l/CGHS(P) dated 20th June, 2014, beneficiaries shall make the prescribed CGHS contributions to their respective organizations as per their Grade Pay/ Pay level and the organization shall deposit the requisite annual service charges on cost to cost basis to CGHS at the uniform rate per CGHS card determined by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. (copy attached)

Encl: As above.

(Dr. Anjum Bhatia)
Additional Dirretor (Admin)

No. 7-1/2013-CGHS/C&P/Part-I-CGHS (P)
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated: the 20th June, 2014


The Additional Director(HQ), CGHS,
CGHS Dispensary Building,
R.K.Puram, Sector โ€“ 12
New Delhi โ€“ 110066

Sub: Extension of CGHS facilities to the Statutory/Autonomous bodies under the Central Government โ€” reg.


Presently, certain Statutory/Autonomous bodies have Been extended the CGHS facilities for the specified categories of their employees as indicated in the list enclosed.

2. References have been received from various Statutory/Autonomous bodies as well as their employees seeking clarifications regarding the terms and conditions far extending CGHS facilities to them and the modalities thereof. Accordingly, in order to provide clarity on this matter, the guidelines governing the CGHS facilities provided to these organizations are elucidated as under:-

a) CGHS facilities will be extended to the serving/retired employees of statutory/autonomous bodies (SBs/ABs) in Delhi/NCR only.

b) The facilities will be extended on payment of service charges on cost to cost basis in advance on yearly basis at the rates determined by Department of Health and Family Welfare in consultation with Olo the Chief Advisor (Cost), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.

c) They will be entitled to OPD facilities and medicines from CGHS Wellness Centers in Delhi/NCR only

d) They may avail treatment from CGHS empanelled hospitals at CGHS approved. rates. The medical expenses for IPO/ hospitalization treatment will be borne by the autonomous/ statutory body concerned and they will not be eligible for cashless medical facilities.
e) In the case of serving employees, CGHS plastic cards with a blue colour code with five years validity will be issued.

f) For pensioners, CGHS plastic card. with a specific yellow colour code along with validity of the CGHS card โ€˜as per data-baseโ€™ will be issued.

(g) The CGHS membership card will have to be renewed annually by the SBs/ABs on payment of requisite annual Serevice charge in advance for both serving as well as retired employees (wherever applicable). Failure to renew the CGHS membership within the specified time period will lead to de-activation of the CGHS card.

(h) There is no provision for issue of life-time CGHS cards to the pensioner beneficiaries of SBs/ABs.

(i) Beneficiaries shall make the prescribed CGHS contributions to their respective organizations as per their Grade Pay.

(j) The organization shall deposit the requisite annual service charges on cost to cost basis to CGHS at the uniform rate per CGHS card determined by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

Yours faithfully,

[V.P. Singh]
Tel:- 2306 1831

  1. Director, CGHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
  2. ADDG (HQ), CGHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi



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  • Gurcharan singh 3 years ago

    Owing to grant of cghs facilities to additional sectors employees it becomes very much pertinent to increase the infrastructure ie wellness centres and staff to impart required health services.
    It is found that this is duplicate
    Why so?

  • Gurcharan singh 3 years ago

    Owing to grant of cghs facilities to additional sectors employees it becomes very much pertinent to increase the infrastructure ie wellness centres and staff to impart required health services.