Reservation in promotions- procedure to be followed prior to effecting reservations in the matter of promotions: Railway Board Order
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
New Delhi, dated 02.05.2022
The General Managers (P),
All Indian Railways
& Production Units.
Sub: Reservation in promotions- procedure to be followed prior to effecting reservations in the matter of promotions by all departments of the Central Government.
Ref: Railway Boardโs letter no.2018-K(SCT)I/25/9 dated 13.04.2022
Kindly refer to Railway Boardโs letter of even no. dated 13.04.2022 enclosing therewith a copy of DoP&T OM No. 36012/16/ 2019-Esttt.(Res.) dated 12.04.2022.
Attention is invited to Para 4(a) of DoP&Tโs above said OM wherein Liaison Officer were advised to ensure that the reservation rosters are strictly maintained as per the instructions/guidelines, laid down in DoP&T OM No.36012/2/96-Estt.(Res.), dated 2.7.1997. Since these instructions were issued on similar lines to Railways vide Railway Boardโs letter No.95-E(SCT)I/49/5(2) dated 21.08.1997 (RBE No. 114/97) , it is advised to follow the same in case of promotion in Railways/ Production Units etc.
(James Kujur)
Deputy Director, E(SCT)I
Railway Board