Discontinuance of Book Adjustment for PLI Premium collection through Salary Deduction from other Departments / Ministries: Department of Posts

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Discontinuance of Book Adjustment for PLI Premium collection through Salary Deduction from other Departments / Ministries: Department of Posts

Discontinuance of Book Adjustment for PLI Premium collection through Salary Deduction from other Departments / Ministries: Department of Posts

F. No. 63-01/2022-LI
Govt. of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Directorate of Postal Life Insurance

Chanakyapuri PO Complex,
New Delhi โ€“ 110 021.
Dated 19.05.2022

Subject: Discontinuance of Book Adjustment for PLI Premium collection through Salary Deduction from other Departments / Ministries

PLI premium along with CGST and SGST which is being recovered through pay recovery in respect of your employees had been accounted by booking under the Head of Account 8014 through Book Adjustment.

This direct booking of PLI premia along with GST amount in PFMS through Book transfer has led to many issues as follows:

1) Many Non Postal DDOs are booking PL! premia along with GST amount under MH โ€“ 8014 (PLI). Due to this GST amount could not be remitted to the GST authorities which is attracting penalty from the GST authorities.

2) GST returns have also not been filed by the Non Postal DDOs.

3) Service Tax or GST authorities have withdrawn the facility of booking service tax or GST amount through book adjustment w.e.f. 01.08.2015. Since then. all Postal DDOs are remitting GST amount through cheque to the GST authorities.

4) PLIโ€” CSI integration is going to be rolled out by Department of Posts and Book Adjustment could not be continued for various technological issues alter this integration.

Hence, Book Adjustment for PLI Premium collection through Salary Deduction is going to be discontinued with effect from 1 July 2022 and it is requested to remit the PII premia and GST amount recovered from July 2022 through Cash/Cheque/NEFT to the concerned Head Post Offices (CPCs)/ DDOs of DoP along with schedules.

For any kind of queries or assistance. the following support team of this Directorate may be communicated:

S.No. Name of the HCO Mob. No. Email IDs
1. Sh. Mahesh N (Accounts Officer) 8618391515 aao1.plidte[at]indiapost.gov.in
2. Smt. Momita Sengupta Gone (Asst. Accounts Officer) 9903815617 aao2.plidte[at]indiapost.gov.in

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Chief General Minager (PLI)

The All Ministries / Departments of the employees from whom the PLI premium collected through Salary deduction

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