Nomination of Liaison Officer for reservation issues of Ex-Servicemen in Railway Board


Nomination of Liaison Officer for reservation issues of Ex-Servicemen in Railway Board

Nomination of Liaison Officer for reservation issues of Ex-Servicemen in Railway Board: Railway Board Office Order No. 31 of 2022 dated 18.04.2022

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड

Office Order No. 31 of 2022

Sub : Nomination of Liaison Officer for reservation issues of Ex-Servicemen in Railway Board

It has been decided that EDE(Res) would be the Liaison Officer for reservation matters related to Ex-Servicemen in Railway Board and would be assisted by E(NG)II & E(RRB) branches under EDE(N) and EDE(RRB) respectively.

2, The above issues with the approval of competent authority.

No. 2022/O&M/7/13.

(Sushil Kumar Singh)
Deputy Secretary/Administration
Railway Board

All Officers and Branches in Board’s Office, New Delhi.

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