Holding of Nation-wide Pension Adalat, 2022 on 5th May, 2022: DoP&PW writes to all Ministry/Department with SOP and report form


Holding of Nation-wide Pension Adalat, 2022 on 5th May, 2022: DoP&PW writes to all Ministry/Department with SOP and report form

Holding of Nation-wide Pension Adalat, 2022 on 5th May, 2022: DoP&PW writes to all Ministry/Department with SOP and report form

No. 1/39/2021-P&PW (E)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensionersโ€™ Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,
Dated March 21, 2022


Subject:-Holding of Nation-wide Pension Adalat, 2022-reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Pension & Pensionersโ€™ Welfare DO letter of even number dated 10.01.2022 and dated 01.02.20222 (copies attached) from Secretary (Pension) addressed to all Secretaries for convening Nation-wide Pension Adalats in the third week of March, 2022, by each Ministry/Department/Organization/Field-formation by leveraging technology through Video Conferencing.

2. It has now been decided to hold a Nation-wide Pension Adalat on Thursday, May 5, 2022 so that this Government initiative has an All India impact. Accordingly, all Ministries/Departments/Organizations are requested to make their arrangements for holding their Ministry/Department/Organization Nation-wide Pension Adalat, preferably through Video Conferencing on May 5, 2022.

3. The concerned grievance-holder also to be invited for the Adalat along with all the concerned officials to instantly settle the case/grievance. Grievances requesting a change in extant policy/rules or not as per extant policy/rules need not be taken up in the Adalats.

Encl: as above

(Sanjoy Shankar)
Deputy Secretary to Govt of India

All Secretaries to Government of India

V. Srinivas, IAS

NEW DELHI-110009

D.O.No. 1/39/2021-P&PW(E)

January 10, 2022

The Department of Pension & Pensionersโ€™ Welfare has been conducting Pension Adalats across Ministries, throughout the country, as part of Good Governance, to minimize Pensionersโ€™ grievances. As you may be aware, redressal of Pensionersโ€™ grievances is high on the agenda of the Government.

2. It has been decided, to convene a nation-wide Pension Adalat in the third week of March, 2022, by each Ministry/Department/Organization/Field formation through Video Conferencing, for which, a suitable date shail be communicated in due course. The main objective of this Adalat would be prompt resolution of pensionersโ€™ grievances, within the framework of extant policy guidelines.

3. The hallmark of the Adalat would be leveraging digital technology and conduct the Adalat through VC. While holding these Adalats, each Ministry should ensure the presence of all concerned stake-holders viz. HoD, DDO, PAO and officials of concerned Banks, at the Pension Adalat from their respective locations on VC. A notice, in advance, intimating the time and link for the Video Conferencing for the Adalat, should also be sent to the concerned Pensioners for their participation, if they so desire. For effective resolution of the grievances, it is imperative that the Departments should examine the cases in advance and make extensive preparations for the Adalat. Only those grievances are to be taken up which fall within the extant Pension policy/ guidelines. Family Pension cases should be given priority. The Ministnes/ Departments/ Organization having field formations in different parts of the country may organize the Pension Adalats in these formations during that period, so that this effort has a pan-India effect.

4. A nodal officer may please also be nominated from your Ministry, who shail coordinate within your Ministry as well with the Department of Pension & Pensionersโ€™ Welfare. The nodal officer will intimate the details of the cases being taken up in the Pension Adalat/s of your Ministry and also intimate the outcome of the Adalat/s in the prescribed proforma (copy enclosed). It is also requested that the name of nodal officer nominated from your Ministry may kindly be intimated to this Department latest by 31st January, 2022. solicit your kind personal attention for the involvement & support of your Ministry in this exercise in making this endeavor a grand success.

Yours sincerely,

Encl: As above

(V. Srinivas)

The Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments,
Government of India

V. Srinivas, IAS

NEW DELHI-110009


Dated: February 1, 2022

Dean Secretary,

Kindly refer to Department of Pension & Pensionersโ€™ Welfare DO letter of even number dated 10.01.2022 and OM dated 21.01.2022 (copies attached) addressed to all Secretaries for convening a nation-wide Pension Adalat in the third week of March, 2022, by each Ministry/Department/Organization/Field formation through Video Conferencing. The main objective of this Adalat would be prompt resolution of pensionersโ€™ grievances, within the framework of extant policy guidelines. It was also requested to appoint a Nodal Officer in Ministries/Departments/Organizations who shall coordinate within your Ministry as well with the Department of Pension & Pensionersโ€™ Welfare.

2. The information regarding nomination of Nodal Officer is still awaited. Name of Nodal Officer required urgently so that the modality of convening the Nationwide Pension Adalat could be discussed through Video Conferencing for smoothly conducting of Pension Adalat. | solicit your kind personal attention in the matter and have the name of Nodal Officer of your Ministry/Department sent urgently to this Department. The names of Nodal Officers may be sent to Shri Sanjoy Shankar, Deputy Secretary (sanjoy.shankar[at]nic.in) or to Shri Dhananjay Prasad Singh, Under Secretary (singh.dp1973[at]nic.in)

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Encl: as above.

(V. Srinivas)

The Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments,
Government of India


Detailed report of the cases taken up in the Pension Adalat

  1. Name of Ministries/Department/Organizations
  2. Date of Conducting a Pension Adalat
  3. Total Number of cases/grievances
    1. No of family pension case
    2. No of case relating to senior pensioner
  4. Total Number of cases/grievances resolved
    1. No of family pension case-resolved
    2. No of case relating to senior pensioner-resolved
  5. Total Number of cases/grievances un-resolved
    1. No of family pension case-un-resolved
    2. No of case relating to senior pensioner-un-resolved
S No Name of Petitioner/Details Grievance/Case ID No Gist of the Grievance Root Cause of the Grievance Outcome of the Grievance in the pension Adalat Suggestion


Name of the Nodal Officer
Signature of the Nodal Officer

All India Pension Adalat

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Pension Adalat through Video-conferencing

All India Pension Adalat 2022 will be a seamless technology driven exercise to ensure redressal of pensionersโ€™ grievances within the overall guidelines issued by Min of Home affair and Min/o Health & Family Welfare for Covid-19 Pandemic. With the objective of โ€œEase of Livingโ€™, ail over country, this one day will be dedicated to our pensioners. To bring uniformity among pension adalats conducted by Ministries/Departments all over India, it is requested that this SOP may be adhered to in-totality.

  1. All Ministries/ Departments, subordinate offices, will conduct Pension Adalats at various locations all over India through video-conferencing tools. The date will be intimated in due course.
  2. Pension Adalat links of different Ministries/Departments will also be connected with All India Pension Adalat link, being conducted by Dept of Pension & Pensionersโ€™ Welfare. Dedicated VC link and other details will be shared subsequently.
  3. All Ministries/Departments shall nominate a nodal officer not below the rank of JS at Ministry/HQ level and DS/Director level in field offices. Details of nodal officer i.e. name, designation, phone no., e-mail id may be forwarded by 31โ€œ January, 2022 to Department of Pension and Pensionersโ€™ Welfare at the following e-mail:- (sanjoy.shankar[at]nic) and (singh.dp1973[at]nic. in)
  4. Ministries/Departments shall identify Pension/Family Pension related grievances/pending cases received by them through CPENGRAM and through their respective grievance redressal systems/portals. Details of all such cases may be forwarded to DoP&PW by 10th February, 2022. Since this Adalat is being dedicated to family pensioners, efforts should be made to take up a majority of Family Pension related cases.
  5. Pension Adalat shall be conducted only through video-conferencing (VC) by leveraging technology using available VC tools and applications. Pensioners, HoD, DDO, PAO and Banks shall join the Pension Adalat from their respective locations on VC and should come prepared for each case which is being listed. The Nodal officer nominated at field office level shall co-ordinate the entire VC to ensure seamless participation by all stake-holders.
  6. It may be ensured that pensioners are given sufficient time to explain their grievances, if they, so desire, during the VC.
  7. Ministries/Departments may also explore the feasibility of providing facility to pensioners to upload/send their grievances and related papers available with them through e-mail or any other mode in advance. However, this should not be made a mandatory condition for listing of their case.
  8. At the start of pension Adalat, VC coordinator shall allot time siots for each case and announce case-wise time slots to all the stake holders. This will help aged pensioners and they will not be forced to remain logged-in for the whole day. It will also reduce the load on the ICT systems. Pensioners and officials related to that case may be requested to join 15 minutes prior to their allotted time-siot.
  9. VC coordinator shall keep record of all proceedings and direct HOD/DDO/PAO/Bank to take action to ensure redressal of grievance within specific time-period.
  10. Ministries/ Departments shall send record of proceedings along with details of cases listed and settled during Pension Adalat to DoPPW within 15 days of the Adalat. In case the case remains unresolved an updated status of such cases, where some action is required on the part of HOD/DDO/PAO/Bank, may be sent again after one month.
  11. Ministries/ Departments may ensure availability of ICT hardware including high speed internet, power backup etc. for smooth conduct of the Pension Adalat.
  12. Ministries/ Departments shall ensure that all Covid 19 related guidelines i.e. sanitization, thermal screening, social distancing, masks etc. are strictly adhered to while conducting the Pension Adalat.


Source: Click here to view/download the PDF


  • Dr. M C Nahar 3 years ago

    1. I also subscribe to the view expressed by K V Murarji regarding Additional pension. It should be considered as a necessity for pensioners.

    2. I also request to take up the matter with pension Adalat regarding the restoration of commutation amount after 10 years or attaining the age of 75 years (whichever is earlier) by the pensioner instead of 15 years after commutation of pension.

  • Konduparti Venkata Murarji 3 years ago

    I request the concerned to discuss in the Pension Adalat on 5th May 2022 regarding Additional quantum of pension to be paid on ATTAINING 65,70,75,80,85 years of age and so forth. Here it should be stressed on attaining but not on completion. This what the opinion in the judgement of Gauhati High Court.