Empanelment of Hospitals / Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Centers for ECHS by 32nd Steering Committee


Empanelment of Hospitals / Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Centers for ECHS by 32nd Steering Committee

Empanelment of Hospitals / Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Centers for ECHS by 32nd Steering Committee

No. No.228(02)22-D(WE/Res-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Dept of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

New Delhi the 21st March, 2022



The Managing Director Central Organisation, ECH Thimayya Marg
Near Gopinath Circle Delhi Cantt -10


1. I am directed to state that in terms of the provisions of Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 228(04)/2010/US(WE)D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011, 228(02)/2013/ US(WE)D(Res) dated 18 Oct 2013, 228(02)/2013/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 24 Feb 2015 and 228(02)/2020/WE/D(Res-1) dated 30 Jan 2020, it has now been decided by the 32nd Screening Committee for empanelment of Additional Medical facilities with ECHS in its meeting held on 03 Mar 22 under the chairmanship of MD ECHS to empanel additional facilities of 09 Private Hospitals/Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Laboratories for different specialities and procedures as per the list attached in the Annexure :-

Ser No City Name of Hospitals Annexure No
1. Bangalore Aster CMI Hospital (A Unit of Asterd DM Health Care Ltd) Annexure-1.
2. Ghaziabad Dr Saigals Dental Clinic and Implant Centre Annexure -2.
3. Gurgaon Pushpanjali Hospital (A Unit of Pushpanjali Medicare Pvt. Ltd.) Annexure-3.
4. Gurgaon Viaan Eye & Retina Centre Annexure -4.
5. Hisar Geetanjali Hospital , Hisar Haryana Annexure-5.
6. Hisar Maan Eye Hospital Annexure -6.
7. Jhunjhunu CKRD Memorial Hospital & Research Institute Annexure-7.
8. Pune ASG Hospital Pvt Ltd. Annexure-8.
9. Rohtak Dr Jales Life Care Hospital Annexure-9.

2. All the terms and conditions including fixation of rates payable to empanelled hospitals will be regulated under Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 228(04)/2010/ US(WE)/D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011 and amended from time to time.

3. The rates for ECHS Hospital/Nursing Home, Dental Centres and Diagnostic Centres as approved by the Empowered Committee will be as per CGHS rates and will be notified by the Director, Regional Centre ECHS to all concerned including Polyclinics, SEMOs, CDA/PCDA and Central Organisation ECHS.

4. Empanelement of CGHS empanelled hospital is subject to this hospital providing proof of its being a CHS empanelled facility as on the date signing of MoA with ECHS.

5. CGHS empanelled medical facilities will be empanelled with ECHS for the period for which the facilities hold valid CGHS. The MoA will be extendable onece CGHS renew the MoA with the medical facilities.

6. NASH accredited medical facilities will be empanelled with ECHS for the period of validity of NABH certificate and the MoA will be renewed once the medical facility is issued revalidation/renewed NABH certificate.

(N.C. Pasi)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

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