Salary and Allowances of ASHA workers


Salary and Allowances of ASHA workers

Salary and Allowances of ASHA workers




Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is considering a plan to increase the salary and allowances of ASHA workers;

(b) if so, the details thereof, if not, whether any concrete step would be taken in this regard by Government in future; and

(c) the number of instances when the salary and allowances of ASHA workers have been increased during the last five years?



(a) to (c) ASHAs are envisaged to be community health volunteers and are entitled to task/activity based incentives. ASHAs receive a fixed monthly incentive of Rs. 2000 per month for routine and recurring activities and the details are placed at Annexure-I. Additionally, they are provided performance-based incentives for a varied set of activities under various National Health Programmes and is placed at Annexure-II. States/UTs in their programme implementation plans have also been given flexibility to provide a range of monetary incentives to the ASHAs and the details is placed at Annexure-III.

After the launch of the Ayushman Bharat scheme with operationalisation of Ayushman Bharat- Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs), ASHAs are now additionally eligible for

Team Based Incentives (TBIs) along with ANMs based on monitored performance indicators (up to Rs. 1000 per month).
The Government has also approved a cash award of Rs. 20,000/- and a citation to ASHAs who leave the programme after working as ASHAs for minimum of 10 years, as acknowledgement of their contribution.

The ASHA benefit package was introduced acknowledging significant contribution and commitment of ASHAs. The package providing coverage for:

i) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana (PMJJBY) with a benefit Rs. 2.00 Lakh in case of death of the insured (annual premium of Rs. 330 contributed by GOI).

ii) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Beema Yojana (PMSBY) with a benefit of Rs. 2.00 lakh for accidental death or permanent disability; Rs. 1.00 lakh for partial disability (annual premium of Rs. 12 contributed by GOI).

iii) Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan (PM-SYM) with pension benefit of Rs. 3000 pm after age of 60 years (50% contribution of premium by GOI and 50% by beneficiaries).

However, in view of the significant contribution towards the COVID-19 pandemic related work by ASHAs, States were advised to pay an additional incentive of Rs.1000/- per month for those ASHAs engaged in COVID-19 related work using the resources of COVID-19 Health System Preparedness and Emergency Response Package.

Under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package, Insurance Scheme has been introduced for all health workers, including ASHAs. This insurance scheme provides an insurance cover of Rs. 50.00 Lakhs in-case of loss of life on account of COVID-19 related duty.


The details of incentives for routine and recurring activities given to ASHAs

S. No. Incentives Incentives (from September, 2018)
1 Mobilizing and attending Village Health and Nutrition Days or Urban Health and Nutrition Days Rs.200/session
2 Conveying     and     guiding       monthly     meeting       of VHSNC/MAS Rs. 150
3 Attending monthly meeting at Block PHC/UPHC Rs. 150
4 a.   Line listing of households done at beginning of the year and updated every six months Rs. 300
b. Maintaining village health register and supporting universal registration of births and deaths to be updated on the monthly basis Rs. 300
c.   Preparation  of  due  list   of  children   to   be immunized on monthly basis Rs. 300
d.  Preparation of list of ANC beneficiaries to be updated on monthly basis Rs. 300
e.   Preparation    of    list    of   eligible      couple    on monthly basis Rs. 300
  Total Rs. 2000/-


Details of performance-based incentives for a varied set of activities under various National Health Programmes

  Activities Amount in Rs/case


Maternal Health

1 JSY financial package  
a. For ensuring antenatal care for the woman Rs.300/Rs.200 (Rural/Urban areas)
b. For facilitating institutional delivery Rs. 300/Rs.200 (Rural/Urban areas)
2 Reporting Death of women Rs. 200 (reporting within 24 hours)


Child Health

1 Home Visit-care of the New Born and Post-Partum mother etc. / Young Child / follow up Rs. 250 /Rs. 50 per visit / Rs.150 only after MUAC is equal to nor- more than 125mm
2 Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight
a. Week-1-ASHA incentive for prophylactic distribution of ORS to families with under-five children Rs. 1 per ORS packet for 100 under five children
b. Week-2- ASHA incentive for facilitating growth monitoring of all children in village Rs. 100 per ASHA for completing at least 80% of household
c. MAA (Motherโ€™s Absolute Affection) Programme Rs. 100/ASHA/ Quarterly meeting



1 Full immunization for a child under one year/ up-to two years age Rs. 100 /Rs. 75
2 Mobilizing children for OPV immunization / DPT Booster Rs. 100 per day / Rs. 50


Family Planning

1 Ensuring spacing of 2 years/ 3 years after birth of 1st child / permanent limiting method after 2 children after marriage Rs. 500 / Rs. 500 / Rs. 1000
2 Counselling, motivating and follow up of the cases for Tubectomy Rs. 200 in 11 with high fertility rates states,Rs.300 in 146 MPV districts, Rs. 150/Rs200 in remaining states
3 Counselling, motivating and follow up of the cases for Vasectomy and NSV and Female Postpartum sterilization Rs. 300 in 11 states with high fertility rates and Rs. 400 in 146 MPV districts and Rs. 200 in remaining states

Mission ParivarVikas- In selected 146 districts in six states-(57 in UP, 37 in Bihar, 14 RJS, 9 in Jharkhand, 02 in Chhattisgarh and 2 in Assam)

4 Injectable Contraceptive MPA (Antara Program) and a non-hormonal weekly centchroman pill (Chhaya) โ€“ Incentive to ASHA Rs. 100 per dose
5 Mission ParivarVikas Campaigns Block level activities Rs. 150/ ASHA/round
6 NayiPahel โ€“ an FP kit for newly weds Rs. 100/ASHA/NayiPahel kit distribution
7 SaasBahuSammelan- mobilize SaasBahu for the Sammelan- maximum four rounds Rs. 100/ per meeting
8 Updating of EC survey before each MPV campaign Rs.150/ASHA/Quarterly round


Adolescent Health

1 Sanitary napkins to adolescent girls Rs. 1/ pack of 6 sanitary napkins
2 Organizing monthly meeting with adolescent girls pertaining to Menstrual Hygiene Rs. 50/meeting
3 Conducting PLA meetings- 2 meetings per month Rs. 100/ASHA/per meeting


Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme

1 For Category I/ Category II of TB patients (New cases/ previously treated of Tuberculosis) Rs. 1000 for 42 contacts / Rs. 1500

for 57 contacts

2 For treatment and support to drug resistant TB patients Rs. 5000 for completed course of treatment
3 For notification if suspect referred is diagnosed to be TB patient by MO/Lab Rs.100


National Leprosy Eradication Programme

1 Treatment in pauci-bacillary cases /multi-bacillary cases of Leprosy โ€“ for 33 states (except Goa, Chandigarh &Puducherry). Rs. 250 (for diagnosis) +

Rs. 400/Rs.600 (for follow up)


National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme

1 Malariaโ€“Preparing Blood Slides/complete treatment for RDT or radical treatment of positive Pf cases Rs. 15 per slide/ Rs. 75 per positive cases
2 Lymphatic Filariasis-Listing of cases Rs. 200
3 Acute Encephalitis Syndrome/Japanese Encephalitis
  Referral of AES/JE cases to the nearest CHC/DH/Medical College Rs. 300 per case
4 Kala Azar elimination
  Involvement of ASHAs during the spray rounds (IRS) / for referring a suspected case Rs. 100/- per round / Rs. 500/per notified case
5 Dengue and Chikungunya
  Incentive for source reduction & IEC activities for prevention and control of Dengue and Chikungunya in 12 High endemic States. Rs. 200/- (1 Rupee /House for maximum 200 houses PM for 05 months- during peak season).
6 National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme
  ASHA incentive for salt testing Rs.25/ month (for 50 salt samples)


Incentives under (CPHC) and Universal NCDs Screening

1 Maintaining data validation and collection of additional information Rs. 5/form/family
2 Filling up of CBAC forms of every individual Rs. 10/per form/per individual
3 Follow up of patients Rs. 50/per case/Bi-Annual
4 Delivery of new service packages under CPHC Rs.1000/ASHA/PM


Drinking water and sanitation

1 Motivating Households to construct toilet and promote the use of toilets and for individual tap connections Rs. 75 per household


 State-wise details of monetary incentives provided to the ASHAs

  1. Andhra Pradesh provides balance amount to match the total incentive of Rs.10,000/month; 
  2. Arunachal Pradesh-provides 100% top up; 
  3. Bihar- 1000/- per ASHA per month linked with functionality of five specified 06 activities (started in FY 2019-20);
  4. Chhattisgarh-75% of matching amount of the incentives over and above the incentives earned by an ASHA as a top up on an annual basis;
  5. Delhi- 3000/- PM for functional ASHA (against the 12 core activities perform by ASHA);
  6. Gujarat provides 50% top up;
  7. Haryana- 4000/month from June-2018 and 50% top-up;
  8. Himachal Pradesh- 2000/month;
  9. Karnataka-Rs. 4000/month โ€“ recently introduced replacing the top up incentive;
  10. Kerala-Rs.5000/month in FY 2020-21;
  11. Odisha-Rs. 1000 /month from state fund launched on April 1st, 2018;
  12. Rajasthan- 2700/month through ICDS;
  13. Sikkim -Rs. 6000/month;
  14. Telangana provides balance amount to match the total incentive of 6000/- pm;
  15. Tripura provides 100% top up against 08 specified activities and 33% top-up based on other activities;
  16. Uttarakhand- Rs.5000/year and 1000/month;
  17. Uttar Pradesh- 750/- per ASHA per month linked with functionality of five specified activities (started from March 2019); and
  18. West Bengal-Rs. 3000/month.

Source: Rajya Sabha PDF


  • Akash gaur 2 years ago

    Up ke District Jaunpur me block sujanganj ki asha worker ko sahi time par sallery nahi diya jaata hai unse ghus liya jaata hai unke kamo ka paisa unhe nahi diya jaata Asha Meena devi

  • Apung Tayung 3 years ago

    Hamara east kameng me only rs2000 milta hai per month plz rs12000 bara dijiye