Launch of โGrievanceโ module of HRMS in Indian Railways
New Delhi, Dated: 17.03.2022
Principal Chief Personnel Officers,
All Indian Railways
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Launch of โGrievanceโ module of HRMS in Indian Railways.
Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is designed to completely digitize all the HR related aspects and services in Indian Railways. Apart from the modules already launched, some other modules have completed the process of testing and development.
2. The development and testing of โGrievance Moduleโ has been completed and is in use in Railways since June 2021. Till date, a total of 6,573 grievances have been received on HRMS and 1,939 have been closed by the concerned units. Considering this, it has been decided that the Grievance Module of HRMS may be put in use across all field units w.e.f. 01.04.2022.
3. In this regard, a one page step by step instructions for using the Grievance Module, as provided by CRIS, is enclosed as Annexure-A. All the modalities regarding assigning different roles as required under the specifications of Grievance Module and mapping of Welfare Inspectors etc. may also be completed urgently for effective use of the Grievance Module by all users.
Encl: As DA
Principal Executive Director(HR)
Railway Board
e-mail: pedhr66[at]
Ph. No. 011-23047174
Process Flow for Grievance Module
1) Unit Admin will create Grievance In-charge Officer (GIO) who will be a Personnel Branch Officer.
2) GIO will create Welfare Cell Members (GWM) who will be staff of Personnel Branch Dept. , will be responsible in handling the Grievance Celt of their Unit.
3) GWM will create
a) Will create Dept. Dealing Clerks (DDC) for handling of the Grievances belonging to various departments.
b) Will assign the stations/offices/bill-units (โbeat combinationโ) within the unit to each Welfare Inspector of the unit.
4) Employee will login and register his grievance with the Register Grievance menu. Also he can see the history of all the grievances submitted by him. He can also withdraw the grievance using this menu.
5) After employee submits his grievance, based on โbeat combinationโ , it will reach the concerned Welfare Inspector for processing.
6) Welfare Inspector will examine the grievance and will forward it to the concerned Grievance dealing clerk (GDC) for resolution. There is a provision to return the grievance at this Level to the employee, also grievance can be returned to the employees by the GDCs.
7) Grievance Dealing Clerk (GDC) will process the grievance and record the details of closure , also can upload requisite closure document and close the grievance or can forward it to next level for further processing.
8) Upto Levels of forwards are allowed.
9) If the grievance pertains to other department, GWI โ Welfare Inspector will select the concerned department and forward it to that department.
10) This grievance will land in the Department dealing clerk already created by the Grievance Welfare Member of that unit.
11) Department Dealing Clerk can process the case as usual by forwarding it to next level of dealing clerks.
12) if the grievance pertains to other Unit , (GWI) โ Grievance Welfare Inspector will select the concerned unit and forward it to that unit.
13) This grievance will land in the Welfare Cell login of that specific unit, where any Welfare Cell Member can further process It for examination and resolution.
14) Those grievances which are submitted by the employees whose beat combination has not been assigned to any Welfare Inspector , will be available in Welfare Cell in-charge officer or Welfare Member of the Welfare Cell can assign all such grievance to the concerned Welfare Inspector or to the concerned dealing clerk of Establishment section.
15) All the Grievance Cell Members, Unit Admin, Grievance Dealing Clerks (Unit Admin and Grievance Cell Members will be able to view for the entire unit and Dealing Clerk and Welfare Inspector only those handled by them) will be able to see the following Reports:
a) Dashboard Report โ which provides the total grievances submitted for that unit, total pending, total closed :- which can be further drilled down based on grievance type upto the level of the individual grievance.
b) Grievance Status Report โ Which shows the total grievance, total closed in time, not closed in time, pending for 15 days, pending between 15 and 30 days, between 30 and 45 days , between 45 and 60 days, more than 60 days.