Resumption of Biometric Attendance System w.e.f. 21.02.2022 in Railway Board’s Office


Resumption of Biometric Attendance System w.e.f. 21.02.2022 in Railway Board’s Office

Resumption of Biometric Attendance System w.e.f. 21.02.2022 in Railway Board’s Office

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)

Office Order No.19 of 2022

Sub : Preventive measures to contain the spread of Covid-19- Resumption of Biometric Attendance System in Board’s Office.

Ref.: 1) Office Order No.71 of 2021
ii) Office Order No.06 of 2022
iii) Office Order No.12 of 2022

Attention is invited to para 2 of Office Order No. 12 of 2022 regarding exemption from marking of attendance through AEBAS upto 15th February, 2022 or till further orders whichever is earlier. As no such extension of exemption for recording of attendance through Biometric System has been issued by DOP&T it has been decided all officials are to henceforth record their attendance on the Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) w.e.f. 21.02.2022. While recording attendance :-

(a) All employees are to invariably sanitize their hands before and after marking of attendance;

(b) Physical distancing of six feet is to be maintained by all employees;

(c) All employees are to wear mask/face cover.

3, Strict Compliance of above instructions is solicited from all officers/staff along with adherence to COVID appropriate behavior at all times as issued from time to time in the past by MHA, MOH&FW and DOP&T

New Delhi. Dated : 18.02.2022

(B Majumdar)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board

All officers and Branches in Board’s Office and at Daya Basti, New Delhi.

Copy to : ED/C&IS and JDME(C&IS) for making necessary arrangement in this regard.

Copy for information to :
Adv/MR, OSD/MR, OSD/Co-ord/MR, Addl.PS/MR


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