National Pension Scheme Tier II- Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 (NPS – TTS): RBE No. 93/2021

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National Pension Scheme Tier II- Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 (NPS – TTS): RBE No. 93/2021

National Pension Scheme Tier II- Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 (NPS – TTS) – Change in Operational Guidelines

RBE No. 93/2021.


No. 2016/F(E)III/1(1)/3

New Delhi, dated:22.12.2021.

The GMs/Principal Financial Advisors,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units (etc),
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Change in Operational Guidelines for National Pension Scheme Tier II – Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 (NPS – TTS) -reg..

A copy of Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)’s circular No. PFRDA/2021/47/REG-PF/09 dated 30.11.2021 on the above subject is enclosed for information and compliance. The instructions contained in this circular shall apply mutatis mutandis on Railways also. Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority’s circular No.PFRDN10/01/1/0003/2018-PDES dated 17th August, 2020 mentioned in the enclosed circular of PFRDA was adopted on Railways vide letter of even number dated 21.09.2020.

2. Please acknowledge receipt.

(G.Priyd Sudarsani),
Director, Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board.

DA: One

पेंशन निधि विनियामक एवं विकास प्राधिकरण


Date: 30th November, 2021



CEOs of All Pension Funds

Dear Sir/Madam,

SUBJECT: Change in Operational Guidelines for National Pension Scheme Tier II- Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 (NPS – TTS) -reg.

Reference is invited to the Operational Guidelines for National Pension Scheme Tier II- Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 (NPS – TTS) issued vide File No. PERDA/10/01/1/0003/2018-PDES dated 17th August, 2020.

2. In partial modification to the above ‘mentioned guidelines, it has been decided by the Authority to make the following change:

Sl Particulars Existing guideline/ provision Revised guideline/ provision
4 Investment Choice & Pattern Investment limit:
Cash/ Money Market/ Liquid MFs – Upto 5%
Investment limit:
Cash/Money Market/ Liquid MFs -Upto 10%

View: Operational guidelines for National Pension Scheme Tier II-Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 (NPS-TTS): Railway Board RBE No. 82/2020

3. Further, the above exposure norm shall not be applicable till the scheme corpus is below Rs. 5 Crores.

4. Subject to the aforementioned revision, all other terms and conditions as contained in the aforementioned guidelines shall remain unchanged. All Pension funds are called upon to note these changes and ensure necessary compliance.

5. This circular is issued in exercise of powers of the Authority under Sub-clause (b) of sub-section (2) of Section 14 read with Section 23 of the PFRDA Act, 2013 and sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 14 of PEFRDA (Pension Fund) Regulations, 2015 as amended from time to time.

6. The revision shall be effective from the date of this circular.

Yours Sincerely,

(A. K. Soni)
Executive Director

View: National Pension Scheme Tier II- Tax Saver Scheme, 2020 under Section 80C: IT Notification No. 45/2020 dated 07-07-2020 [Hindi & English]

Copy to:

  1. Chief Executive Officer, NPS Trust, New Delhi
  2. Chief General Manager, Supervision Dept.-PF, PFRDA

Source : Click here to view/download PDF