Observance of “Armed Forces Flag Day” on 7th December – Contribution to AFFDF: Railway Board Order


Observance of “Armed Forces Flag Day” on 7th December – Contribution to AFFDF: Railway Board Order

Observance of “Armed Forces Flag Day” on 7th December – Contribution to AFFDF: Railway Board Order

Government of India/भारत सरकार
Ministry of Railways/ रेल मंत्रालय
Railway Board/रेलवे बोर्ड

E(G) 2021/CL-4/11

New Delhi-110001,dated 12.11.2021

The General Manager, All Zonal Railways,
Production Units & PSUs etc.

Sub: Observance of “Armed Forces Flag Day” on 7th December – Contribution to the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF).

Please find enclosed a copy of DO No. P-7585/R M/2021 dated 29.10.2021 received from Shri Rajnath Singh, Hon’ble Defence Minister of India, addressed to Hon’ble Minister of State of Railways, Coal and Mines on the above cited subject, for information and strict compliance.

2. The Armed Forces Flag Day is observed on 7th December every year to commemorate the supreme sacrifice made by our valiant Armed Forces personnel for protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. This occasion provides us the right opportunity to show our solidarity with the Armed Forces and their dependents, by generously contributing to AFFDF. In view of the ever increasing demand for financial assistance to ESM/Dependents, contribute to the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF) as per the detail given in the enclosed letter dt. 29.10.2021.

DA: As above

(Ashok Kumar Yadav)
Dy Director Estt.(Genl.)-1
Railway Board


Source: [http://indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/establishment/eg/2021/CL%204%2011.pdf]