7th Pay Commission โ€“ Stepping Up of Pay from a date other than date of promotion of Junior Officer

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7th Pay Commission โ€“ Stepping Up of Pay from a date other than date of promotion of Junior Officer

7th Pay Commission โ€“ Stepping Up of Pay from a date other than date of promotion of Junior Officer: Clarification by PCDA(O)


Message No. 16/2021


1. Consolidated Guidelines on Stepping Up of Pay was issued vide GoI, MoP, PG&P OM No 4/3/2017-Estt(Pay-I) dated 26/10/2018 which have since been made applicable to Indian Armed Forces Personnel vide MoD, New Delhi ID Note No 1(12)/2020/D(Pay/Services) dated 19/11/2020, which interalia stipulates that cases where Senior Army Officers draws less pay than the Junior Army Officer, the Pay of the Senior Army Officer will be stepped up with effect from the date of Promotion of the Junior Officer.

2. Consequent upon implementation of GoI, MoD, New Delhi OM No 1(20)/2017/D(Pay/ services)-Part-I dated 02/11/2020 read in conjunction with MoF, New Delhi OM No. 4-21/2017-IC/E/IIIA dated 28/11/2019, under which first increment after fixation of pay on Promotion is to be granted after successful completion of Six (6) months qualifying service in the promoted grade, anomaly in Pay has arisen wherein Senior Army Officers are drawing less pay than the Junior Officers from the date of next increment earned by the Junior Army Officer after fixation of Pay in the promoted grade.

3. In absence of any Specific/Special orders for Stepping Up of Pay from a date other than date of Promotion of Junior Officer, the matter has been referred by the CGDA, New Delhi to MoD, New Delhi for seeking clarification. Hence such cases for Stepping Up of Pay may be referred to the O/o the PCDA (O), Pune only after receipt of clarification from MoD, New Delhi in this regard.

4. This has been put up for the kind information of the Indian Army Officers, so that queries on the above issue are avoided.


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