7th CPC Pay Fixation on regular Promotion granted subsequent to MACP- Clarification on point of doubt related to DNI

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7th CPC Pay Fixation on regular Promotion granted subsequent to MACP- Clarification on point of doubt related to DNI

7th CPC Pay Fixation on regular Promotion granted subsequent to MACP- Clarification on point of doubt related to DNI


Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010

No. AN-Pay-Tech/7th CPC/Corr /Vol-I

Dated: 17/09/2021


All PCSDA/ CsDA/ PC of A (Fys.)
(through email)

Subject: Point of doubt related to date of next increment after pay fixation on regular Promotion granted subsequent to financial upgradation under MACP Scheme.

This HQrs. had taken up the subject case for clarification with Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Expenditure. The point of doubt and clarification received from the Dept. of Expenditure vide its ID No. 03-27/2020-E.IILA dated 16.08.2021 are as follows:-

Point of Doubt:-

An individual was granted 1st financial upgradation in Level-4 under MACP scheme on 04.05.2020, he opted for pay fixation w.e.f. 01.07.2020 and earned his first increment on 01.01.2021. Thereafter, he was regularly promoted in Level-5 on 01.01.2021 and opted for pay fixation from this date itself. Whether the individual would be entitled for first increment on 01.07.2021 in terms of Dept. of Expenditure OM No. 4-21/2017-IC/E.IA dated 28.11.2019.


โ€œโ€ฆ.. Ministry of Defence is informed that the genesis of the OM dated 28.11.2019 is the OM issued on 31.07.2018 which clearly provides that benefit of increment after completion of 6 months of service is to be given where fixation of pay is done in accordance with Rule 13 of CCS(RP) Rules 2016 on account of promotion or financial upgradation. However, at the time of regular promotion of the Government servant, pay has been fixed as per the provisions contained in Department of Personnel & Trainingโ€™s OM dated 22.10.2019 which provides that pay fixed in the higher level of the Pay Matrix on account of promotion taking place after grant of MACP is merely done by placing the pay at a Cell equal to the figure being currently drawn or to the immediate higher Cell, if equal Cell is not available. In other words, the pay at the time of promotion is not fixed in terms of Rule 13 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 as no increment is being given on such promotion. Therefore, the benefit of this Departmentโ€™s OM dated 31.07.2018 and 28.11.2019 is to be given where the pay fixation is done in accordance with Rule 13 of the CCS (RP) Rules 2016.โ€

2. All related cases (including the cases settled earlier) may be regulated accordingly.

(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)

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