Submission of Annual Life Certificate for pensioners/family pensioners living abroad: DoP&PW OM dated 22.09.2021


Submission of Annual Life Certificate for pensioners/family pensioners living abroad: DoP&PW OM dated 22.09.2021

Submission of Annual Life Certificate for pensioners/family pensioners living abroad: DoP&PW OM dated 22.09.2021

No. 1(8)/2021-P&PW(H)-7468
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare

8th Floor, B-Wing,
Janpath Bhawan, Janpath,
New Delhi-110001
Dated:- 22nd September, 2021


Subject: – Submission of Annual Life Certificate for pensioners/family pensioners living abroad.

Every Central Government pensioner/family pensioner has to submit Annual Life Certificate in the month of November for further continuation of pension/family pension. In the case of a pensioner/family pensioner residing abroad, the following methods are available for submission of life certificate –

  1. In the case of a pensioner/family pensioner residing abroad and drawing his pension/family pension through any bank included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the life certificate may be signed by an officer of the Bank. A pensioner/family pensioner gets exemption from personal appearance subject to production of Life Certificate signed by the above mentioned officer of the bank.
  2. A pensioner/family pensioner not residing in India in respect of whom his duty authorized agent produces a life certificate signed by a Magistrate. a Notary, a Banker or a Diplomatic Representative of India is exempted from personal appearance.
  3. Pensioner/family pensioner can also provide Digital Life Certificate online through Aadhaar based biometric authentication system.
  4. In case of NRI pensioners/family pensioners who are unable to come to India for personal identification, pension/family pension may be allowed on the basis of a Certificate to be issued by an authorized official of the Indian Embassy/High Commission of India or Consul of Indian Consulate in the country where the pensioner/family pensioner is residing. This certificate is to be issued on verification of Pensioner/Family Pensioner on the basis of photograph pasted in the PPO or on the basis of photograph pasted on the Passport or any other such document.
  5. In case the pensioner/family pensioner is unable to visit the Embassy of India/Consulate, he/she may submit requisite documents by post to the Embassy/Consulate, including Doctor’s Certificate showing the pensioner’s/family pensioner’s inability to present himself/herself in person. Embassy of India/High Commission/ Indian Consulate may also assist pensioners/family pensioners in submission of the Life Certificate.
    (No. 16 -Payment of Pension to NRI Pensioners pg.44 SCHEME FOR PAYMENT OF PENSIONS To CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CIVIL PENSIONERS By AUTHORISED BANKS (Fifth Edition, July 2021)

(Rajesh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govemment of India

Copy to:
1. Secretary, CPV and Overseas Indian Affairs
2. Secretary, Department of Financial Services
3. Chairman, Railway Board
4. Secretary, Ex-Servicamen Welfare
5. Secretary, Posts
6. Secretary, Telecom
7. Controller General of Accounts, Department of Expenditure
8. CMDs/MDs of all the Pension Disbursing Banks
9. Head of CPPCs of All Pension Disbursing Banks.
10. NIC: – for posting on website of this Department.
11. All Pensioners’ Associations under Pensioners’ Portal: – for giving vide publicity among pensioners.


Source: Click here to view/download the PDF

  • Gopalaswamy. Honnavalli 3 years ago

    It will be more than enough if the banks issue token and provide seats to Sr Ctns till their token number called to avoid rush at cash counter and possible pick pocket and to count and check that they have not received just recently ontroducdd discounted notes, let alone bank coming to pensioners doors of 70+. It is nice to read this pipe-dream. Why not introduce mobile bank by van with security going to different areas for a fixed hrs at 5 days in 1st week, 3 days 2nd week, 2 days 3rd week and one day last week. This meets the RBI directive and avoid rush in banks Let Govt and RBI think to introduce mobile banks, seriously
    When in service, these pensioners were believed and a portion of the govt was allowed to run the govt to the extent of ones status. But the momement s/he retires pensioner is disbelieved. Why not accept the self – certified life certificate (hard copy) submitted to any bank branch nearer to pensioner’s residence to be collected and passed on to pda bank. Or else to accept an e- mail from pensioner irrespective of where he resides, as he may reside at different places with different children
    /relatives or otherwise also,to the pda bank by the pensioner. Govt, is requested to believe their pensioners who were the govt’s trusted employees just before retirement and did such employees have become untrust worthy the moment they retired? Accept by what ever other method that s/he is living ,if the L C cannot be disbanded.
    Gopalaswamy Honnavalli