Holding election of RWAs not be postpone indefinitely in view of the CCS(Conduct) Rules– DoPT OM 31.08.2021

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Holding election of RWAs not be postpone indefinitely in view of the CCS(Conduct) Rules– DoPT OM 31.08.2021

Holding election of RWAs not be postpone indefinitely in view of the CCS(Conduct) Rules– DoPT OM 31.08.2021

No. 7/01/2021- Welfare
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training,

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi,
Dated 31st August, 2021


  1. All Area Welfare Officers.
  2. The President/Secretary,
    Central Government Residents Welfare Associations,
    Delhi/New Delhi/Outside Delhi.

Subject: Holding election of the Managing/Executive Committee of the RWAs for the block year 2021-2022 and 2022-2023- instructions regarding.


I am directed to refer to the correspondence resting with this Department’s letters of even number, on the above-mentioned subject and to say that this Department has already extended dates for holding elections of the Managing Committee of the CGERWAs twice since March 2021. Despite the extensions, a few CGERWAs have again requested to extend the date for holding elections.

2. It has been observed that though number of Covid-19 cases have reduced considerably and overall situation has also improved to a large extent, a few CGERWAs have shown reluctance to hold elections citing DDMA guidelines.

3. In this connection it is mentioned that elections have already been delayed for about 6 months and, therefore, it may not be possible to postpone it indefinitely especially in view of the CCS(Conduct) Rules. However, taking cognizance of the requests for some more time, it has been decided to grant one last extension to hold elections till 31st October 2021 or till further order, whichever is earlier. The date for collection of annual membership is also extended till 30th September 2021. The annual membership may be collected through digital mode, as far as possible.

4. It is reiterated that All the CGERWAs who have not yet completed elections process, may conduct elections in a staggered manner from early morning till late evening or if required, may hold it on two days continuously (Saturday and Sunday) by following Covid-19 guidelines.

5. Area Welfare Officers shall keep a close watch on the whole exercise and will also ensure that no eligible resident, who is interested to take membership of CGERWA and was also eligible on 31.3.2021,be left out from the voters list. In case, CGERWAs fail to complete the exercise within the prescribed date, new ad hoc committees shall be formed w.e.t. 1st November 2021.

6. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

(Kulbhushan Malltotra)
Under Secretary (RWA)
Ph. 43524646961



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