Grant of NDA in 7th CPC Pay Scale without any Basic Pay ceiling limit: Minutes of 48th NC JCM Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on 30.07.2021 discuss the left-out items of the Meeting of the National Council (NC) of the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM), held on 26.06.2021 issued vide DoP&T No. No.3/4/2021-JCA dated 18.08.2021)
Item No. NC-48/ 19/ 21- Grant of NDA in 7th CPC Pay Scale without any Basic Pay ceiling limit
The demand of the Staff Side, in brief, is that the ceiling of Rs. 43,600 on basic pay for grant of NDA may be done away with, as it has resulted in differential treatment to similarly placed employees. It is well-established that those performing the same duties cannot be put on different footing.
The Chair stated that in the main meeting of NC, JCM, held on 26.6.2021, Chairman, Railway Board stated that they were trying to resolve the issue in consultation with DoE.
Decision: Chairman advised Chairman Railway Board, Ministry of Defence and AS, DoE to resolve the issue expeditiously.