Grant of Recognition to all employee organizations, restore function of Departmental and Office Councils: : 48th NC JCM Meeting

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Grant of Recognition to all employee organizations, restore function of Departmental and Office Councils: : 48th NC JCM Meeting

Grant of Recognition to all employee organizations fairly and transparently, restore function of the Departmental and Office Councils in terms of the JCM scheme: 48th NC JCM Meeting

Minutes of the 48th Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 26.06.2021 vide DoP&T OM No.3/4/2021-JCA dated 14th July, 2021


5.5. Grant of Recognition to all employee organizations fairly and transparently, restore function of the Departmental and Office Councils in terms of the JCM scheme.

Shri R. N. Parashar, Staff Side representative, D/ o Posts informed that many Departmental Councils are not functioning, nor are meetings being held.

Additional Secretary (Estt) , DoPT clarified that instructions have been issued, the latest being on 09.06.2021, to each Ministry / Department, from time to time, at the highest level, to activate Departmental and Office Councils, if not already done, and also to hold meetings as per the schedule prescribed in the instructions. Regarding recognition of Associations, DoPT has already issued broad guidelines in 1993. Based on these guidelines, recognition is granted by individual Ministry/ Departments.

Decision: – Chairman asked Secretary (P) to monitor the issue. If required, he would write to all the Secretaries to ensure that Departmental Councils meetings are held regularly and recognition to Staff Associations is granted in time. The specific cases mentioned by Staff Side may be disposed of early by the concerned departments. With this direction, the item to be treated as closed.

Previous: 5.4. ITEM NO. NC-47/27/19: Hospital Patient Care Allowance (HPCA) for Central Government employees working in hospitals .

Next: 5.6. Item No. NC-48 /1/21: Settlement of the following COVID-19 related Items

View: Full Minutes of the 48th Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 26.06.2021