Guidelines for operation/functioning of DGR empanelled Ex-Servicemen (ESM) security services


Guidelines for operation/functioning of DGR empanelled Ex-Servicemen (ESM) security services

Guidelines for operation/functioning of DGR empanelled Ex-Servicemen (ESM) security services


Controller General of Defence Accounts :
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt โ€“ 110010

Circular No. 22 of 2021

No. IFA/181/GeM/10/2021

Dated: 22.07.2021



(Through CGDA Website and SIFA)

Sub: Guidelines for operation/functioning of DGR empanelled Ex-Servicemen (ESM) security services.

Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare letter No. 28(75)2020/D(Res-l) dated 30.06.2021 on above subject is forwarded herewith for kind information, guidance and necessary action please.

This issues with the approval of Jt. CGDA (Finance).

Encl: As above.

(Nihar Ranjan)

No. 28(75)/2020/D(Res-l) 1/38
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare

Sena Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated the 20of June 2021

Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA)
Ulan Batar Road,
Delhi Cantt โ€“ 110 010

Subject: Guidelines for operation/functioning of DGR empanelled Ex-Servicemen (ESM) security services.

I am directed to refer to Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW) O.M. No. 28(3)/2012-D(Res-!) dated 09.07.2012 and 46.01.2013. The matter regarding review of these guidelines In view of the feedback/inputs received from various sources and the decision of Government of India regarding procurement of goods: and services by all Departments/Ministries through/ GeM portal was under consideration of the Government. Accordingly, guidelines for operation and functioning of the Directorate General Resettlement (DGR) empanelled Ex-Servicemen security services have been revised and new Guidelines have been issued by DESW bearing No. 28(75)2020/D(Res-!) dated 13.05.2021 and Corrigendum No. 28(75)2020/D(Res-I) dated 53.06.2021. Copies of the aforesaid guidelines dated 13.05.2021 and Corrigendum  dated 23.06.2021 are enclosed.

2. In this regard, it is also informed that Department of Public Enterprises vide their  OM No. DPE-GM-12/0001/2016-GM-FTS-5410 dated 13.09.2018 have already prescribed that all CPSEs requiring manpower for security services will obtain the same from DGR empanelled Ex-Servicemen security service providers. Action is also being taken by this Department for immediate onboarding of procurement of services from Directorate General Resettlement empanelled security services on the GeM portal.

3. It is, therefore, requested that all IFAs/PIFAS may be advised to take note of the revised guidelines to ensure that procurement of security guards is done only through security agencies empanelled with Directorate General Resettlement.

Encl: As above.

(Suman Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF 36 Pages