Check List for Temporary Duty Claim โ 20 Points to insure issued by PCDA(O)
Check List for Temporary Duty Claim
Please ensure
1. The claim has been preferred on prescribed form IAFT-1716 (Revised) and in accordance with the printed instructions contained therein.
2. The order no. and date for move sanction under which the move is ordered is clearly mentioned in the claim. A copy of move sanction is invariably attached with the claim. In case of attending the course etc, course detailment letter is enclosed with the claim.
3. The claim has been countersigned by the Controlling Officer mentioned in Rule 6 of TR 2014 unless the claimant is his own Controlling Officer or by the local superior Officer where the move has been authorised by the move sanctioning authority under Appendix III TR.
4. The claim has not been preferred previously and admitted in audit for same journey.
Check List for LTC Claim: PCDA(O) Pune Instructions: View
5. Separate claim has been preferred for each journey.
6. In the case of courses/examinations, a certificate exists to the effect that the Officer had not attended the same course/examination previously vide Rule 123 & 124 of TR-2014.
7. The arithmetical calculations are correct.
8. The details of advances taken for the move in question are invariably mentioned in the claim. Tickets purchased through DTS (Air/Rail) should be treated as advance and incorporated in the claim by adding in the total claim amount as well as in advances for proper adjustment. The period of temporary duty should match with the period shown in the requisition while drawing the advances.
9. When the journey is performed by road in car between stations connected by rail sanction of competent authority under TR 47 (iii), is necessary. Amount admissible in these cases will be restricted to cost of warrant only for which proof of expenditure is necessary. RMA can be admitted only based on the sanction under TR 40 Note -2 from GOC-in-C (or other CFA notified in Appx I of TR).
Check List for Permanent Duty Claim: PCDA(O) Pune Instructions
10. RMA is admitted as per rates notified in the copy of Station HQ order notifying the rate of RMA for the station based on the rates notified by State Transport Authority/RTO. For claiming the RMA at TD station, enclose the bills for local journeys with details of journey i.e. date, Veh, KM travelled etc.
11. The claim preferred after 60 days of completion of return journey is time barred. When the claim is time barred, a copy of the sanction of the Competent Financial Authority waiving the time bar under the provisions of Rule 188 FR Part-I should be attached in original with the claim.
12. Detention certificate is attached with the claim duly indicating the status of accommodation, ration and conveyance.
13. As per provisions, Officers may preferably stay in Circuit Houses, Messes, Govt Guest Houses, Inspection Bungalows etc., if they are available. In case of non-availability of accommodation, a Non-availability Certificate from the Station HQrs/Estts. must be obtained duly stating that accommodation is not available during the period of TD rather than indicating that it is not provided. Hotel charges claims are admitted only based on the NAC issued by Station HQr / Estt.
14. The rates charged by the Mess Authorities must be in conformity with the instruction issued by AHQrs QMG Br letter No. 43012/Guest Room/LW&E/Qtr dated 12.12.18. The mode of payment must be indicated on the Mess Bill.
15. In case of stay in private hotel, all taxes/GST shall be reimbursed over and above the entitlement. Taxes will be calculated on the actual charges paid by the Officer within his/her prescribed entitlement only. However, Service Charges on Hotel Accommodation/Guest House are not admissible.
16. In case, the room is shared by two or more Officers or even by the family members, the amount paid will be reimbursed proportionately.
17. Air tickets along with boarding passes as well as rail tickets must be attached with the claim in original. The air tickets must be booked through Booking Counter/direct website of operating air line or through Govt. Authorised travel agents i.e. Balmer & Lawrie, Ashok Travels or IRCTC. Tickets booked through private agencies or private websites are not admissible.
18. The Sector wherein Air India is operating, the air journey must be performed through Air India Flights only. In exceptional cases, if the same is not feasible, relaxation to travel by Pvt Airlines sanction from IFA concerned must be obtained and submitted with the claim. However, the Officer is allowed to travel at their own in the sectors where Air India is not operating or blanket sanction exists for the specified route.
19. In cases where the adjustment bill is not submitted within the prescribed time of 60 days, the entire amount of advance will be recovered in one lump sum immediately on expiry of such time limit. In such cases, interest will be charged at the rate of interest prescribed above on the entire amount of advance from the date of drawl of advance to the date of recovery of amount.
20. Also in cases where advance has not been fully utilised Penal Interest is charged on the excess drawl amount of Advance.
Source: PCDA(O) PDF