One-time relaxation to the allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in view of second wave of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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One-time relaxation to the allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in view of second wave of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

One-time relaxation to the allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in view of second wave of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

No.12035/2/2020-Pol. II
Government of India
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Directorate of Estates
Policy-II Section

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110108
Dated, the 13th May, 2021


Sub: One-time relaxation to the allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in view of second wave of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Ministry has been receiving various representations/requests from allottees of Government accommodations, who were/are due to vacate their flats / houses but unable to do so due to outbreak of second wave of COVID-19. In terms of the powers conferred by NDMA, various State Authorities have been issuing different lockdown/curfew orders in the cities separately to contain the fast spreading of the pandemic. With suspension of various services, It has become difficult and risky for allottees of GPRA to vacate/change their accommodation due to 2nd wave of COVID-19.

2. This extraordinary situation has been considered by the Ministry and it has been decided to allow suo-moto retention of GPRA for a period from 01.04.2021 to 30.06.2021 uniformly applicable for all GPRAs in the entire country, as a one time measure, for all such allottees under the Central Government General Pool Residential Accommodation (CGGPRA) Rules, 2017. This relaxation will be applicable to the following categories:

  1. Rule 24(2) โ€“ where two allottees, who are in occupation of separate accommodation allotted under these rules marry each other, and are directed to surrender one of the accommodation within one month of their marriage;
  2. Rule 40 โ€“ which provides for concessional period of retention of GPRA under different cases; and
  3. Rule 44 (7 & 8) โ€“ which provides for change of accommodation

3. The suo-moto retention period will be on the payment of licence fees as applicable to the allottee under these rules. No damage will be charged for this period.

4. These relaxations will also be given to such allottees where she/he has become unauthorized occupant of government accommodation before 01.04.2021. However, in such cases, after the retention period i.e. upto 30.06.2021, the damage charges at telescopic rates, aS Was continuing prior to this period, will be resumed.

5. This has the approval of Honโ€™ble Minister, HUA(I/C).

(Vijay Andley)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
Phone: 011-2306 2505

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