Measures to be adopted for PLI and RPLI policyholders during COVID-19: Waiving of Penalty, Expeditious Settlement and more
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance).
Chanakyapuri PO Complex, New Delhi-110021
Dated: 21.05.2021
All Head of Circles
Sub: Measures to be adopted for PLI and RPLI policyholders during COVID-19.
In view of the threat posed by the outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19), and lockdown across several states in India, following instructions are being issued for wide publicity and further necessary action, for facilitating PLI/RPLI Customers, viz: โ
1. Waiving off penalty for payment of premium beyond the grace period:
PLI / RPLI premium due for the month of May 2021. June 2021 and July 2021 may be paid up to August 2021 without paying any penalty / default fee.
2. Encourage online payment of premium:
Circles shall make special efforts to enable the policyholders to pay premium online by educating them through SMS, emails etc. Circles may also carry awareness campaign in local / regional language for the same.
3. Expeditious settlement of claim cases:
Claims arising on account of Covid-19 should be processed expeditiously. Claims (death / maturity and surrender) should be processed and settled within the prescribed period by making special efforts.
4. Online issuance of new policies:
Wherever email addresses of policyholders are available, policy documents in respect of new policies (acceptance letter / policy bond) may be issued through email within the prescribed period. SMS may also be used to confirm to the policyholders about issue of policy documents.
5. Capture of email and phone number of insurants / prospective customers:
CPCs / sales force of PLI / RPLI may capture the email and phone number of the insurants / prospective customers for intimation of the commencement of the policy and for further policy servicing.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Hariom Sharma)
Deputy Divisional Manager-II