Appeal to implement various preventive measures in the Ordnance Factories to contain the spread of COVID-19: AIDEF, INDWF, BPMS
Ref. No. : 93/AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS/21
Date : 10.05.2021
The DGOF & Chairman
Ordnance Factory Board
10-A, S.K.Bose Road,
Kolkatta, 700 O01.
Subject ; Appeal to implement various preventive measures in the Ordnance Factories in a war footing manner to contain the spread of COVID-19 virus.
We are submitting this joint representation to your good self for immediate intervention and to issue necessary instructions to all the Ordnance Factories. As you are aware the sufferings and miseries leads to horrible and worsening situation in the Ordnance Factories due to serious spread of COVID-19 pandemic amongst the employees and their family members. Many of our colleagues / co employees across the country in the Ordnance Factories have already lost their precious life after unsuccessfully fighting with the COVID-19 virus. Many employees are under treatment in the hospitals / at home and many are running pillar to post for getting an admission in the hospitals with oxygen facilities. There is a total panicky and anger amongst the employees. In this situation we are repeatedly representing to OFB to take necessary preventive actions by allowing employees in the Ordnance Factories to work from home. It is unfortunate that till date no clear cut instruction is issued by the OFB in this regard and every GMโs are acting according to their wisdom.
The DOP&T has already authorised the Head of the Departments about the regularisation of attendance of the employees at all level keeping in view the COVID-19 positive cases in the respective establishments and the functional requirement. On this DOP&T instruction dated 6-5-2021 also OFB has not taken any steps to implement the Same in the Ordnance Factories. Therefore to save the precious life of our employees and also to prevent the infection amongst the employees and their family members we suggest the following for your favourable consideration please.
1) Wherever the State Governments have declared complete lockdown banning public transport etc., the Ordnance Factories located in those states may be closed down and other than the essential service categories all other employees may be asked to work from home till the lock down is lifted by the State Government. All the piece workers may be converted to day work during this period.
2) Wherever the State Governments have declared partial lockdown and Public Transport is under operation in those factories only 50% of the employees may be allowed to work from the Factory and the remaining 50% may be permitted to work from home.
3) As already instructed by the OFB all the Ordnance Factory Hospitals should ensure treatment for COVID-19 patients and other patients in the Ordnance Factory Hospitals by providing all the required Medical facilities. The duty of the doctors of the Ordnance Factory Hospitals should not be restricted only for referring the patients to the Government Hospitals.
4) General Managers may be advised to maintain cordial industrial relations with the Unions, Works Committee and JCM etc., especially during this pandemic period decisions may be taken after taking the employees representatives in to confidence. The IR situation in OCF Shajahanpur has become very bitter and there is a total unrest in the Factory. Already more than 20 employees have succumbed to death in this Factory due to Covid-19 infection.
Sir, we expect a favourable decision in this regard urgently. In case if any further discussion is required on our above proposals a video conference may please be arranged under your Chairmanship with the Federations.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
(R. SRINIVASAN) GENERAL SECRETARY INDWF 09444125799 indwfrsrinivasan[at] |