Annual Report on Pay and Allowances for the Year 2018-19 of Central Government Civilian Employees by Department of Expenditure

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Annual Report on Pay and Allowances for the Year 2018-19 of Central Government Civilian Employees by Department of Expenditure

Annual Report on Pay and Allowances for the Year 2018-19 of Central Government Civilian Employees by Department of Expenditure






Previous: Annual Report on Pay & Allowance for the Year 2016-17: Increase in expenditure 21.65% in 7th CPC implementation year


The Pay Research Unit (PRU) of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance brings out an โ€œAnnual Report on Pay and Allowances of Central Government Regular Civilian Employeesโ€ for each financial year. As in the past, the Annual Report for 2018-19 provides statistical information on expenditure incurred by different Ministries/Departments of the Central Government on Pay and Allowances including Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Overtime Allowance, etc. in respect of its regular employees. The Annual Report also contains information on the group-wise number of sanctioned posts and of employees in position in various Ministries/ Departments.

2. The data in the Annual Report has been compiled on the basis of quarterly returns on expenditure on pay and allowances and annual returns on the strength of Central Government Civilian Employees furnished by the Central Government establishments to the PRU.

3. The Annual Report may be of use for personnel planning and for preparation of reliable estimates of financial implications of various proposals concerning pay and allowances of Central Government employees. While all efforts have been made to present the data in a meaningful manner, suggestions for further improvement would be welcome.

4. Ministry of Finance would like to thank all the Central Government Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations for their cooperation in furnishing data, without which this compilation would not have been possible. This Ministry would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the National Informatics Centre (North Block), New Delhi.

(Annie G. Mathew)
Additional Secretary(Pers)
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

Annual Report on Pay and Allowances for the Year 2018-19




Salient Features


Total Expenditure


Total expenditure on Pay and Allowances of Central Government civilian employees including employees of Union Territories as percentage of Revenue Receipts and Revenue Expenditure.


Expenditure on Pay and Allowances for the last Ten Years.


Expenditure on major components of pay and allowances of Central Government civilian employees including employees of UTs for last five years.


Share of major components in total expenditure of Central Government civilian employees including employees of UTs during last five years.


Component-wise break up of expenditure on pay and allowances of the Central Government civilian employees including employees of UTs during last five years


Component-wise break up of expenditure on pay and allowances of the Central Government civilian employees including Missions Abroad (excluding employees of UTs) during last five years


Components of Expenditure


Share of major Ministries/Departments in total expenditure during last five years.


Total expenditure on pay and allowances and expenditure of major Ministries/ Departments during last five years


Expenditure on pay and allowances of the employees of Ministry of Railways


Expenditure on pay and allowances of the civilian employees of Ministry of Defence (Civil).


Expenditure on pay and allowances of the employees of Ministry of Home Affairs


Expenditure on pay and allowances of the employees of Department of Posts.


Expenditure on pay and allowances of the employees of UT Administrations.


Expenditure  on  pay  and  allowances  of  regular  employees  and  local  recruits  in  Indian Missions Abroad.


Expenditure incurred on pay and allowances by the central Ministries/Departments on civilian employees during 2018-19.


Expenditure on House Rent Allowance  (HRA) of Central Government Civilian employees including employees of Union Territories.


Sanctioned Strength and Employees in position in Central Government as on 01.03.2019


Group-wise number of sanctioned posts and employees in position, vacancies and their percentage to total sanctioned posts as on 01.03.2019 including UTs.


Group-wise number of sanctioned posts and employees in position, vacancies and their percentage to total sanctioned posts as on 01.03.2019 excluding UTs.


Distribution of regular civilian employees (Group-wise) in Central Government and UT Administrations as on 01.03.2019.


Group-wise and status-wise estimated number of Central Government civilian regular employees as on 01.03.2019 in major Ministries/Departments (excluding UTs).


Strength (Number of sanctioned posts and number of employees in position) of Central Police Forces.


Group-wise  and  status-wise  (Gazetted /Non-Gazetted)  estimated  number  of  Central Government civilian regular employees as on 01.03.2019.


Salient Features


1. The total expenditure on Pay and Allowances (excluding Productivity Linked Bonus/ Ad-hoc Bonus, Honorarium, Encashment of Earned Leave and Travelling Allowance) for Regular Central Government Civilian employees including employees of the Union Territories and Missions is 208960.17 crore in 2018-19 as compared to 194591.98 crore in 2017-18. Thus, there is an increase in expenditure by 14368.19 crore over previous year which in relative terms works out to around 7.38%.

2. The total expenditure on pay and allowances as a percentage of Revenue Receipts and Revenue Expenditure of the Central Government during the financial year 2018-19 is 10.49% and 8.69% as compared 10.94% and 8.77% respectively during the financial year 2017-18.

3. Almost 80% of the total expenditure was incurred by five major Ministries/ Departments (Railways, Defence(Civil), Home Affairs, Posts and Revenue) during 2018-19.

4. Of the total expenditure on Pay and Allowances in 2018-19, the Ministry of Railways continues to have the largest share i.e 36.78% , marginally decreasing from 37.82% in 2017-18. Share of Ministry of Home Affairs has decreased from 24.63% to 24.25% and Department of Posts has been increased from 5.76% to 5.88% . Share of Ministry of Defence (Civil) has increased from the previous year i.e. from 12.86% to 13.55%.

5. The expenditure of UT Administrations is 4504.92 crore in 2018-19 as compared to 4062.49 crore in 2017-18. Thus, there is an increase in expenditure by 442.43 crore over previous year which in relative terms works out to around 10.89%.

6. The expenditure of Indian Missions/ Embassies abroad is 1710.34 crore in 2018-19 as compared to 1554.85 crore in 2017-18. Thus, there is an increase in expenditure by 155.49 crore over previous year which in relative terms works out to around 10.00%.

7. Out of the total expenditure of 208960.17 crore on Pay and Allowances of Central Government Civilian Employees including employees of UTs & Missions, the percentage expenditure on Pay, Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA) and other allowances are 70.91%, 6.41%, 6.75% and 15.93% respectively.

8. Out of the total expenditure of 14105.53 crore on HRA in 2018-19, the HRA expenditure for โ€˜Xโ€™ class cities is 6150.35 crore which is around 43.60% of the total expenditure on HRA.

9. The total number of regular Central Government Civilian Employees in position (including UTs) as on 01.03.2019, is 31.43 lakh as against the sanctioned strength of 40.66 lakh and approximately 22.69 % of the posts were vacant.

10. Almost 92% of the total manpower is covered by five major Ministries/Departments viz, Railways, Defence(Civil) , Home Affairs, Posts and Revenue. Of the total strength of 30.88 lakh (excluding UTs), the percentage share of the Railways is 39.57%, Home Affairs 31.18%, Defence (Civil) 12.18%, Posts 5.74%, Revenue 3.45% and all other Ministries/ Departments 7.88% .

11. Against the sanctioned strength of 10.07 lakh in Central Police Forces, 9.15 lakh employees were in position as on 01.03.2019. In Union Territories (UTs) 0.54 lakhs employees were in position as against a sanctioned strength of 0.67 lakhs as on 01.03.2019.



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