Re-circulation of guidelines of air travel on official tour purchase of air ticket from unauthorized agents โ Railway Board Order Dtd. 01 March 2021
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25
New Delhi, dated 01.04.2021
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways etc.
(As per Standard Mailing List)
Sub: Re-circulation of guidelines of air travel on official tour purchase of air ticket from unauthorized agents-reg.
Ref: Boardโs letter of even number dated 21.09.2017, 22.12.2017, 31.12.2018 & 08.05.2019 (copies enclosed)
In accordance with the instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditureโs O.M. No. 19024/22/2017-E.IV, dated 19.07.2017 guidelines regarding purchase of air tickets from authorized agents etc were circulated on Indian Railway vide Boardโs letter of even number dated 21.09.2017. These instructions have also been re-circulated vide letters of even number dated 22.12.2017, 31.12.2018 and 08.05.2019.
2. However, cases of purchase of air tickets from unauthorized agents/websites are still being โ received in Boardโs office, Such cases are then examined in Boardโs office and referred to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure with the approval of Board (MF and CRB & CEO) in compliance of MoF/DoEโs O.M, No. 19024/22/2017-E.IV, dated 27.02.2018 (copyenclosed)
3. While examining such cases, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure have taken a serious view in the matter and have once again advised that relaxation on. grounds of ignorance/unawareness about the guidelines would not be considered.
4, MoF/DoEโs guidelines regarding purchase of air ticket from authorized agents etc issued vide their O.M. No. 19024/22/2017-E.IV, dated 19.07.2017 and circulated over Indian Railway vide Boardโs letter of even number dated 21.09.2017 are therefore re-circulated herewith for strict compliance. These guidelines should also be brought to the notice of all concerned.
5. Hindi version will follow.
6. Please acknowledge receipt.
Encl: As above.
Jitendra Kumar
Dy. Director, Finance (E)
Railway Board