Policy formulation for direct appointment of Trained Trade Apprentices of Central Government Industrial Establishments like Railways, Defence etc.: Standing Committee Meeting
A. Unresolved Items of the Earlier SCM held on 7.3.2019
Item Nos. and Ministry / Deptt.: Item No. 1/SC/19 M/o Railways M/o Defence
Subject: Policy formulation for direct appointment of Trained Trade Apprentices of Central Government Industrial Establishments like Railways, Defence etc. as per the amended provisions of Section 22 of Apprentice Act, 1961.
Decision in the Meeting of 7.3.2019: Executive Director(IR) M/o Railways stated that they have already formulated the policy for direct appointment of Trained Trade Apprentices in 2016 by reserving 20% of posts at level โ 1.
Chairman stated that in the first instance, the concerned Ministries / Departments have to formulate a policy for direct appointment of Trained Trade Apprentices under the Apprentice Act , 1961 and the percentage of reservation of posts for Apprentices shall be decided.
Status as on 25.02.2021: Ministry of Railways has informed through their letter dated 20.0 1.2020 that as provided for in the amended Apprentices Act, 1961, M/o Railways has also inc9rporated a provision that in openยญ market recruitments for Level-1 posts, preferential consideration for Course Completed Act Apprentices (CCAAs) trained in Railway establishment will be provided for upto 20% of notified vacancies.
This has already been implemented in the ongoing recruitment drive.
Ministry of Defence has informed through their letter dated 14.02.2021 that necessary guidelines in this regard have been issued vide MoD ID No. 31 (30/ 2018 D(Lab) dated 09.01.2020.
Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Defence have been requested to review the matter.
Discussions/Decision on 26.02.2021: Secretary, Staff Side stated that it is 60% in one of the Departments of the Ministry of Defence, and the same should be extended to other Departments too. Further, the amended Apprenticeship Act (Section 12) gives power to the Department to make their own rules for appointment of apprentices.
He also stated that the apprentices come after passing an examination. Hence, they should not be subjected a fresh examination. Only a skill test shou d be conducted to recruit them. It was finally decided that the matter would be discussed by the Staff Side separately with the Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Defence in their respective Departmental Councils for final settlement. Hence the matter may be taken out from the purview of Standing Committee.