Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) for the year 2020-21 in respect of IDAS officers – Timeline for Generation of PARs
रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक कार्यालय
उलान बटार मार्ग, पालम, दिल्ली छावनी – 110010
प्रशासन (संगठन-भा.र.ले.से.) अनुभाग
Office of The Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110010
Admin (Estt.-IDAS) Section
No.: IDAS-PAR0Corr(FY 19)/1/2020-AN(E-IDAS)
Date: 13/04/2021
PAR Managers (for IDAS)
All IDAS officers
Sub: Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) for the year 2020-21 in respect of IDAS officers
As per DoPT OM No. 21011/01/2009-Estt.(A)-Part dated 11/03/2021, the PARs for the year 2020-21 are to be recorded and completed by the timelines prescribed in DoPT OM No. 21011/01/2005-Estt (A)(Pt.II) dated 23/07/2009. Copies of the both OMs are enclosed for ready reference for all concerned. As the due date for generation of PARs is 31/03/2021, the PAR Managers are requested to generate the PARs immediately, if not generated earlier.
2. Strict Adherence of timelines: Timelines for self-appraisal, reporting, reviewing and acceptance are sacrosanct. They cannot be violated by any authority at any stage. The timeframe prescribed by DoPT instructions have been given legal sanctity by several court judgments. Particularly in case of reporting and reviewing, if the same is not done in prescribed timeframe, courts have clearly ruled that APAR would be considered as ‘NRC’ for that year. Therefore, sanctity of timelines is of paramount importance.
3. Force-forwarding of PAR: It has been decided by the competent authority that the PARs, where self-appraisal or assessment i.e. reporting, review or acceptance is not completed by due dates, may be force-forward to the next level by the PAR Manager immediately after due dates. If a PAR is force-forwarded from both the reporting and reviewing authorities, it may be closed at that stage only and need not be sent to the accepting authority.
4. Streamlining of 4-tier PARs: PARs of some officers posted in Ordnance Factory setup are assessed in 4-tier channel as these are reported/ reviewed by two officers/ authorities. At present, there are no separate forms for these PARs and the reporting/ reviewing part is completed manually which may cause delays in the processing. Also, the timelines prescribed by DoPT do not have a provision for 2 reporting/ 2 review. To maintain punctuality in processing of such PARs, the competent authority has defined the timelines as under:
Activity (where applicable) | Due Date |
PAR generation | 31st March |
Self-appraisal | 15th April |
1st Reporting | 15th June |
Reporting/2nd Reporting | 30th June |
1st Review | 24th July |
Review/2nd Review | 31st July |
Acceptance | 31st August |
To overcome the delays in manual processing of these PARs, new forms containing separate parts for 2nd reporting/ 2nd review are being incorporated on SPARROW. As incorporation of the forms is still under process, it is requested that the PARs may be generated in existing formats.
5. Online processing of PARs: All the PARs are to be generated online, except for the cases where the officer has been specifically exempted from recording the PAR online. All PARs which are generated online are to be processed online as well except for the parts where the assessing authority is a political authority or is not available on SPARROW. If the PAR manager is unable to locate any officer/authority on SPARROW, the respective assessment stage may be kept as manual and the same should be brought to the notice of this HQrs through email on SPARROW.DAD@HUB.NIC.IN immediately without fail. If a part of a PAR is written manually, the PAR Manager should carefully check the manual part before uploading on SPARROW, especially the integrity column, if applicable.
6. Generation of PARs for the officers posted on deputation: As the PARs of the officers posted on deputation to various Ministries/ Departments (other than those posted in Ministry of Defence, UPSC and OFB) are generated centrally by this office, the officers were requested to provide requisite details for generation of their PARs vide this office email dated 26/03/2021. However, the same is still awaited from some officers. It is again requested to provide details for generation of PAR in the attached format immediately through e-mail on SPARROW.DAD@HUB.NIC.IN. The officers posted on deputation in MoD, UPSC and OFB are also requested to provide their details to the PAR Managers of MoD, UPSC and PCA (Fys) Kolkata respectively.
7. A strict compliance of the above may please be ensured.
Sr. ACGDA (Admin)