Grant of entry pay of promotees, at par with direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006, without any condition


Grant of entry pay of promotees, at par with direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006, without any condition

Grant of entry pay of promotees, at par with direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006, without any condition


New Agenda items for the meeting of Standing Committee (received on 08.02.2021)

Agenda Item No. and Ministry / Deptt.: 13/ 21/ SC D/o Expenditure & Estt : RR/ Pay

Brief: Grant of entry pay of promotees, at par with direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006, without any condition.

Comments from concerned Ministry/ Department:ย  Establishment(D), DoPT informed through their letter dated 22.02.2021

(a) It is mentioned that the instant matter contained m Agenda Item No. 13 relates to Deptt. of Expenditure’s (DoE) 0.M. dated 28.09.2018 wherein benefit of entry level pay for direct recruits have been allowed m case of promotion in grades where there is an element of Direct Recruitment Estt.(D) Branch deals with ACP/MACP Scheme. However, it has been decided to extend the benefit allowed under DoE’s O.M. No . 8-23/ 2017-E.IIIA dated 29.09.2018 by allowing refixation of pay of employees under MACP Scheme and clarification has been issued vide DoP&T’s O.M. No . 35034/3/2015-Estt.( D) dated 08.09.2020 m consultation with DoE.

(b) The Staff Side have now requested that entry level pay should be allowed in all cases of promotion irrespective of whether there is any element of direct recruit or not. Therefore , it is for DoE to consider the request of the Staff Side. If, any modification m above DoE’s 0.M. dated 28.09.2018 is made by DoE, its implication on MACPS would be examined and if need be necessary clarification under MACP Scheme will be issued by Estt. (D) at that stage. Hence, no action is called for from Estt.(D) on the above agenda item at this stage.

Establishment Pay Division, DoPT informed through their letter dated 23.02.2021 that the Staff Side pointed that D/o Expenditure vide OM dated 28.09.2018 allowed grant of higher Entry Pay to the promotes in some grades subject to the condition that there should be an element of Direct Recruitment in Recruitment Rules of relevant posts. Staff Side claimed that the grades, where there is no element of Direct Recruitment m RRs, are deprived of this benefit. Staff Side accordingly demanded that the condition “element of direct recruitment”‘ in the concerned posts may be deleted and pay of employees promoted to the concerned Grade Pay should not be fixed less than the pay applicable to Direct Recruits. The demand seeks modification of OM issued by D/o Expenditure and needs to be examined by D/o Expenditure.

Decision/ comments in the meeting of 26.2.2021: Department of Expenditure agreed to discuss this issue separately with the staff side. Hence, this item may be taken away from the Agenda of the Standing Committee Meeting.


View other Items of Standing Committee Meeting:

Final Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of JCM held on 26.02.2021


  • Rajender Singh 2 years ago

    Govt must issue the revised order on entry pay issue without delay as the case is lingering on since 2006 as there doesn’t seems to be meaningful reason on the order of 2018 mentioning the element of direct recruitment

  • charan singh rabha 3 years ago

    Department of Expenditure agreed to discuss this issue separately with the staff side regarding Grant of entry pay of promotees, as per with direct recruits appointed on or after 1.1.2006, without any condition but till the discussion is not held.

  • charan singh rabha 3 years ago

    Stepping up of all cases in promotion whether there is not element of direct recruit should be ordered other wise the junior one of same department same rank is getting more pay then senior promotes.