Foreign Trainings conducted by Cadre Controlling Authorities CCAs/ CTIs โ€“ DoP&T

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Foreign Trainings conducted by Cadre Controlling Authorities CCAs/ CTIs โ€“ DoP&T

Foreign Trainings conducted by Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs)/Central Training Institutes (CTIs)

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(Training Division)

Block-IV, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Dated: 01-04-2021


Subject: Foreign Trainings conducted by Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs)/Central Training Institutes (CTIs).

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departmentโ€™s O.M. No.16017/11/2019-iIGOT dated 15.06.2020 (copy enclosed) on the subject cited above by which it was informed that due to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic and keeping in view the consequent safety measures etc., no Foreign Training shall be conducted during the Financial Year 2020-21.

2. In this regard, all Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs) and Central Training Institutes (CTIs) are informed that no Foreign Training shall be conducted until further orders.

Grant Commuted Leave without Medical Certificate: DoPT OM in relaxation of CCS Leave Rules to achieve Social distancing to contain the spread of COVID19

3. However, under exceptional circumstances, if it is felt necessary to conduct any Foreign Training, prior approval of DOP&T may be obtained.

(Syed Imran Ahmed )
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele:011-2616 6856


All Central Ministries/Departments/
Cadre Controlling Authorities/Central Training Institutes.


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf