Clarification regarding visit of COVID-19 patient in non- empaneled hospital and processing of MRS claims thereof

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Clarification regarding visit of COVID-19 patient in non- empaneled hospital and processing of MRS claims thereof

Clarification regarding visit of COVID-19 patient in non- empaneled hospital and processing of MRS claims thereof.

File No.GJCO-1 1/21(13)/1/2020-GJ-ESTT-RECTT

Dated 27/03/2021

To :
O/o GMTD Rajkot (BA).

Subject : Clarification regarding visit of COVID-19 patient in non-empaneled hospital and processing of MRS claims thereof.

Ref : Your office letter no. HRD/BSNL/EMP-MR-SCHEME/RLG/134 dated 22.03.2021 :

With reference to above cited subject, kindly find herewith the BSNLMRS -guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatment issued by AGM(Admn) Corporte Office New Delhi vide letter no. BSNL/Admn.I/15-2/05(pt.) dated 8/8/2002 for kind reference.

Also, kindly find herewith the letter issued by DGM(Admin) BSNL CO New Delhi, โ€œClarification regarding visit certification as per hospital recordsโ€ along with letter of ADG(Admn) BSNL CO New Delhi, for โ€œBSNLMRS-Guidelines for regulation of expenditure on indoor treatmentโ€.

โ€œIf visit and certification is not found feasible due to some practical difficulty then the CGM, in respect of field office Staff, may exempt the requirement of aforesaid certification. In all other cases the certification by an officer of the parent office of an employee or by an officer posted at the place of hospitalization will be invariably required.โ€

The same may please be followed and visit certificate may please be issued accordingly.

This is issued with the approval of competent authority.

Encls : As above.

Asstt General Manager (HR/Estt)
O/o CGMT Ahmedabad

Copy to :

(Through Gujarat Intranet Portal 10.72.24,12)
1. All BA/SSA Heads/IFAs in Gujarat Circle. โ€“
2. PGMs/Sr.GMs/GMs O/o CGMT Ahmedabad.
3. All C/s of Union/Association.


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf