Attendance due to COVID-19: PCDA (CC) and the sub offices shall work at 50% strength in Office and 50% strength work from home

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Attendance due to COVID-19: PCDA (CC) and the sub offices shall work at 50% strength in Office and 50% strength work from home

Attendance due to COVID-19: PCDA (CC) and the sub offices shall work at 50% strength in Office and 50% strength work from home

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts
(Central Command)
Cariappa Road, Cantt., Lucknow, Pin Code โ€“ 226002

No. AN/1/1004/ Attendance

dated: 12/04/2021


The officer-in- charge
All Sections in Main Office
All sub offices under PCDA (CC) Lucknow

Sub: Preventive measure to be taken to contain the spread of Novel corona virus (COVID-19)- Attendance regarding.

Ref: This office even no. circular dated: 14/09/2020 and 20.11.2020.

1. The office of PCDA (CC) had been issuing various circulars from time to time in order to contain the spread of the COVID-19, and in compliance of various orders/ guidelines issued from MHA, MoHFW and state Govt. issued from time to time.

2. As a result of coordinated efforts of all the personnel and sub offices we have been successful in containing the spread of COVID-19 cases within the office of the PCDA (CC) and other sub offices under its jurisdiction. However, a fresh surge in COVID 19 cases is a matter of concern and an active and concorded cooperation is essential to fight against the spread of new COVID-19 wave.

Preventive Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 : Attendance in DoT HQs: Revised Guidelines

3. Following instructions are being issued with an immense hope that all the employees shall not only follow them but will also extend full cooperation in the fight against COVID-19 in order to safeguard peers and that of families:-

i) In case any employee experiences any symptoms (like cold, cough, fever, respiratory ailments etc.), he/she will immediately inform the same to his reporting officer, who in turn will promptly report it to administration. He/she will thus obtain a permission to work from home without reporting to office.

ii) Any one who suspect contamination should immediately get themselves tested and in case found (+)Ve shall report to office only after a quarantine period after obtaining a negative report.

iii) Those who have come in contact or got exposed to infected people, should immediately isolate themselves and maintain social distancing at workplace.

iv) Wearing face mask is compulsory at all time.

v) Social distancing shall be religiously followed.

vi) Spitting is strictly prohibited as it leaves the premise vulnerable to infection.

vii) Those suffering from co-morbidities and are vulnerable to infection shall be allowed to work from home, after obtaining the permission, on case to case basis.

viii) All the employees shall cooperate the security at main gate in screening and sanitizing the hands.

ix) The office and sub offices shall be sanitized twice a day.

4) Apart from above instructions the PCDA (CC) and the sub offices located at Lucknow, Varanasi, Prayagraj and Kanpur under its jurisdiction shall work at 50 %strength (within the office) and remaining 50% shall be allowed to work from home. The reporting officers shall ensure that the work is not adversely influenced, accountability and discipline maintained and those allowed to work from home shall report to office whenever called upon. Before implementing the roster system, the officer-in charge of various section and sub offices will intimate to the PCDA (CC), the detail of their rosters. The roster system shall be effective till 30/04/2021.

Attendance due to COVID-19 : Staff /officer may be called over and above 50 % of the strength.: Railway Board OO No. 63 of 2020

5) It is also called upon that various instructions issued by MHA, MoHFW and state govt. be strictly followed within and outside the premises, as the same are enforceable under section 144 CrPC, Section 51-60 of Disaster management Act, besides legal action under 188 of IPC.

6) It is thus the professional and moral responsibility of all of us to follow the above instructions in letter and spirit, without exception and ensure the safety at work place and at home. It is also needed to underscore that a very judicious balance is to be made between the safety of all concern and overall performance, accountability and discipline within the organisation.

Dy. CDA (AN)


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