7th CPC recommendations โ€“ Upward revision of pay scales of various categories of Indian Railway: Item No. 34/2019/SC Standing Committee Meeting

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7th CPC recommendations โ€“ Upward revision of pay scales of various categories of Indian Railway: Item No. 34/2019/SC Standing Committee Meeting

7th CPC recommendations โ€“ Upward revision of pay scales of various categories of Indian Railway.: Item No. 34/2019/SC Standing Committee Meeting


A. Unresolved Items of the Earlier SCM held on 7.3.2019

Item Nos. and Ministry / Deptt.:  Item No. 34/2019/SC Ministry of Railways / D/o Personnel &Training

Subject: Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations โ€“ Upward revision of pay scales of various categories.

Decision in the Meeting of 7.3.2019:

JS(Estt.) DoPT informed that DoPT has taken a decision on the issue of up-gradation of posts of Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant (CMA), Chemical and Metallurgical Superintendent (CMS) and Assistant Chemist and Metallurgist (ACMT) and in this regard, an Inter-Ministerial communication has already been sent.

Final decision will be communicated to the Ministry of Railways in due course.

Status as on 25.02.2021: The Committee comprising of the representatives from M/o Railways. D/o Personnel & Training, D/o Expenditure, agreed with the recommendations of the 7th CPC to allow upgradation of pay scales of three categories of posts in the Accounts Cadre ASSO(A/ Cs)/ Sr. Travelling Inspector (A/ Cs)/ Sr. Inspector (Stores A/ Cs) of Ministry of Railways.

The Committee also considered the cases of chemical and metallurgical staff but did not accept the recommendations of 7th CPC for upgradation of their pay scales. The Committee observed that if the post of CMA is upgraded, the employees holding M.Sc. degree will also get benefited, which does not appear to be in consonance with the Pay Commissionโ€™s recommendations. After change of educational qualification for the post from degree in Engineering/ M.Sc. to Bachelor degree in Science (with Physics and Chemistry) by the Ministry of Railways, the Committee felt that if the benefit of upgradation is given to the employees, who get selected on the basis of changed educational qualification, it would not be in consonance with the recommendations of the 7th CPC and such upgradation may disturb the traditional relativity between CMA and Senior Section Engineers (SSE) /Section Engineers (SE).

Discussions/Decision on 26.02.2021:

It was requested by the Secretary, Staff Side that the issue may be reviewed by the Government once more. He requested that the benefit given by the 7th CPC should not be snatched from the cadre of Chemists. I was finally decided that the matter may be partially closed, and the second part may be decided by the Ministry of Railways separately.

Hence, the item was agreed to be removed from the list of the agenda of the Standing Committee.

The unsettled part is to be decided by the Ministry of Railways.


View: Final Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of JCM held on 26.02.2021