Submission of Life Certificate by SAMPANN: DoT Order Dtd. 04 March 2021


Submission of Life Certificate by SAMPANN: DoT Order Dtd. 04 March 2021

Submission of Life Certificate by SAMPANN: DoT Order Dtd. 04 March 2021

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Office of Controller General of Communication Accounts
NICF Campus Ghitorni, New Delhi โ€“ 110047

No. 13-8/ 2020-21/ BA&IT/21 to 53

Dated: 04.03-2021


All Pr. CCAs/ CCAs

Subject: Submission of Life Certificate by SAMPANN โ€“ reg.

Ref: O/o CCA pensioners Assam Circle letter no. ASM/CCA/PEN ADALAT/2020-21 dt.27/01/2021 (Enclosed)

Vide letter under reference a suggestion has been given by a Pensioners Association regarding Submission of Life certificate of SAMPANN pensioners in a uniform month (in month of November every year) along with other pensioners.

In this regard it is to mention that for convenience of DoT pensioners receiving pension via SAMPANN/Financial Management System only, timeline for Life Certificate submission has been relaxed by means of staggering. By way of staggering, a pensioner has to submit his/her Life Certificate within one year of submission of the previous Life Certificate . Therefore, he/she does not have to mandatorily submit the Life Certificate in November of each year. For example, if a pensioner retires on 31st January, 2020 then he/she has to submit his/her Life Certificate next in or before February, 2021.

Implementation of Digital Life Certificate Programme of Defence Civilian Pensioners: PCDA (CC) Order dated 08.01.2021

Life Certificate Submission by Central Government Pensioners till February 28, 2021: EPFO Order Dtd 12 JAN 2021

However, instead of submitting the Life Certificate in a staggered manner, a pensioner can submit his/her Life Certificate in November also or in any other month he/she desires before the expiry of his/her Life Certificate.

Therefore, I am directed to convey that all Pr. CCA/CCA offices may inform pensioners and Pensioners Associations regarding the above via letter/SMS/call.

This issues with approval of the Competent Authority.

(Taranjeet Singh)
ACGCA (BA&IT) Mob-8054341504
Email: taranjeet.singh30@gov .in


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf