Special concessions to Central Govt. Employees working in Kashmir Valley


Special concessions to Central Govt. Employees working in Kashmir Valley

Special concessions to Central Govt. Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

F.No. BSNLCO-A/14(21/1/2021-ESTAB

Dated- 15 /03/2021


The Chief General Manager,
BSNL, J&K Telecom Circle,

Sub:- Special concessions to Central Govt. Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt.-reg


Attention is invited towards this office letter of even No. dated 06.03.2019 vide which special concession/ facilities to employees working in Kashmir Valley was extended for a period of two years upto 31.12.2019. Approval of Competent Authority is hereby conveyed for a further extension of special concessions from 01.01.2020 to 31.07.2021.

In this regard, OM No. 18016/3/2018-Estt(L), dated 14.10.2020 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Trainning) and endorsed by DoT vide 6-21(01)/2019-PAT dated 29.10.2020 on the subject cited above is enclosed herewith.

Kashmir Valley Special Concession โ€“ Additional HRA, Messing Facilities, Incentive (as per 7th CPC) to CGE and Monthly Pension to Pensioners: DoPT Order dated 14.10.2020

It is requested to strictly adhere to the guidelines contained in the above mentioned Memo and keep a record of all the payments made on the above account.

Further compliance may be reported to this office.

Yours faithfully,



Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf


  • Krishna Wagle 4 years ago

    There is a confusions for grant of Kashmir Valley Special Incentives to employees deployed in Kashmir Valley for temporary duties. As per instructions, it is mentioned that for the period of temporary duty extended to six months, the allowance is admissible along with food Bill. My question is that whether the Kashmir valley special incentives is to be granted for the first six months of temporary duty or beyond six months of temporary duty. Whether employees deployed for less than six months be entitled for Kashmir valley special incentives or otherwise. Kindly interpret and enlighten about the instructions. Cooperation will be highly solicited.