Introduction of Single Window System in Department of Personnel & Training for receiving proposals for initiation of disciplinary proceedings and sanction for prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 against the Group A officers of Central Secretariat Services (CSS & CSSS) โ DOPT ORDER No. 142/20/2017-AVD.I/D (Pt.l) โ Dated 15.03.2021
No. 142/20/2017-AVD.I/D (Pt.l)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 15th March, 2021
Subject: Introduction of Single Window System in Department of Personnel & Training for receiving proposals for initiation of disciplinary proceedings and sanction for prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 against the Group A officers of Central Secretariat Services (CSS & CSSS)- reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departmentโs O.M. No. 142/18/2013-AVD-I dated 24.02.2014 (copy enclosed) and letter No. 142/4/2012- AVD.I dated 28.07.2014 (copy enclosed), vide which this Department has introduced the Single Window System for receiving proposals for initiation of Disciplinary proceedings and sanction for prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, respectively
2. It has been noticed that even when there is a Single Window System available, majority of the Ministries/ Departments are still forwarding their proposals through DAK, which should be avoided.
3. All Ministries/Departments are therefore once again requested to take note of the Single Window System that was introduced in the DOP&T w.e.f 01.03.2014 and bring the same to the notice of all concerned. It may also be ensured that the Check List is countersigned by an officer not below the level of Joint Secretary of the administrative Ministry/Department concerned. Further, it may be noted that this Department shall not be responsible for any legal issues arising out of the delay in processing or not processing of the matter that are not received through the proper channel.
Encl.: As above.
(Mahesh Chandra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India