Pay Fixation of Sr. Nurse Gr-II (GP 4600) absorbed from the post of Midwife Nurse (GP 2000): Clarification
10-A, S. K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 001
Pay-Tech Section
No. Pay/Tech-I/01(6th CPC)
date: 23/03/2021
All CFAs
Subject: Pay Fixation of Sr. Nurse Gr-II in respect of those Nursing Staff who have been absorbed as Sr. Nurse Gr-II from the post of Midwife Nurse
A copy of CGDA No-CA-FYSO1167/1/2021-CA dated-12/03/2021, received through email on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information, guidance and compliance.
DC of A(Fys) has seen.
Enclosure: As above
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam Delhi Cantt – 110010
No. CA-FYS01167/1/2021-CA
Dated: 12.03.2021
The PCA (Fys), :
10-A, S. K. Bose Road,
Kolkata – 700 001.
Sub: Pay fixation of Sr. Nurse Gr. II in r/o those Nursing Staff who had been absorbed as Sr. Nurse Gr. II from the Midwife Nurse.
Ref: PCA (Fys) Kolkata letter No. Pay/Tech-1/01(6th CPC) dated 17.02.2021.
With reference to the communication cited under reference, following is advised:
2. PCA (Fys) Kolkata may please refer to this Office letter dated 28.09.2016 wherein it was clarified that the pay fixation on account of absorption of “Midwifes (GP 2000)” in the post of Sr. Nurse Gr. II (GP 4600) was to be regulated by treating them as direct recruitment.
3, Hence, pay fixation of those Midwifes who have been absorbed to the post of Senior Nurse Gr. If may be carried out as per provisions contained in CCS (RP) Rules 2008 or CCS RPR 2016 as applicable to direct recruitment.
This issues with approval of Addl. CGDA (AD).
Accounts Officer (OFs)