Online Transfer Portal (OTP) for inter circle transfers of executives of BSNL
(Personnel Branch)
4th Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001
No: BSNLCO-PERl/20(11 )/3/2020-PERS1
All Heads of Telecom Circles/Metro Districts & Other Administrative Units
All The PGMs/Sr. GMs/GMs of BSNL CO New Delhi
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.
Subject: โ Online Transfer Application Module (OTAM) now renamed as Online Transfer Portal (OTP) โ Regarding
It has been decided with the approval of competent authority that in future only online applications for inter circle transfers of executives ( SDE & above of all streams) having all India transfer liability will be obtained through OTP. The system has been developed by ERP Team Ghaziabad and online request transfer has to be submitted by individual employee through ESS.
2. a) Online Transfer application: The window for online submission of transfer application will be opened in 2nd fortnight of first month of each quarter, i.e. window will be opened from-
6th Jan to 31st Jan | in 1st Quarter |
16thApril to 30th April | in 2nd Quarter |
16th July to 31st July | in 3rd Quarter |
16th Oct to 31st Oct | in 4th Quarter |
b) Transfer from Hard/Soft Tenure : Officers completing their Hard/Soft tenure (declared) should submit online application in advance, in the quarter previous to the quarter in which their Hard/Soft tenure is expected to be completed, depending on window opening dates I date of completion of Hard/Soft Tenure.
c) Transfer w.r.t. Reference letter issued by BSNLCO : Sometimes options are called for specific Station/ Office/ Circle by BSNLCO. Window in such cases will be opened as per the validity of period mentioned in Reference letter. Only active Reference No. will be available in drop down for selection.
3. Provisions have been made in ERP system for data entry in respect of Disabilities of employee/dependents, Spouse working status & Special achievements / awards etc. It will also be the responsibility of the employee to ensure that entry has been made in ERP in this regard otherwise request for exemptions/ special consideration admissible, if any, on above ground shall not be entertained.
4. Once submitted, the transfer application will get forwarded automatically to the concerned controlling GM of the officer.
5. All transfer applications received by the concerned controlling GM for the quarter shall be forwarded by him/her to the GM (HR) of the concerned Circle office within 15 days after the closure of application submission window. Transfer applications of CGMs/PGMs/Sr GMs/GMs/CE will be forwarded by GM(HR) of concerned office to BSNLCO.
6. Further, all transfer applications shall be forwarded by Concerned GM (HR) Circle office after approval of the respective CGM to Personnel Branch of BSNL CO as per the schedule mentioned under point no. 19 of this letter.
7. After submission of online transfer request application, applicant can view the status (i.e. Pending, Approved, Rejected ) of his/her application through ESS.
8. Applicant can withdraw his/her transfer request application any time after submission but only during โPendingโ status of the application.
9. Since online transfer request will be submitted through employeeโs own ESS login ID & Password, thus he/she will be solely responsible for the particulars filled by him/her in his/her application. Any justification, in respect of usage of his/her Login ID & Password by any other person, will not be entertained.
10. While forwarding the applications, concerned Controlling GM/ GM(HR) of the Circles should mandatorily indicate the following in the โRemarksโ column of the format available in the template of concerned Cont_rolling GM/ GM(HR) of Circle in the OTP:
a) Whether the applicant lies in the Top ten list of Longest Stay of the concerned circle.
b) Whether any Punishment/ Penalty/ Chargesheet etc. is pending/awarded against the applicant.
c) Special consideration, if any, other than provisions incorporated in SAP/ERP data, may be indicated (NOT MANDATORY).
11. All requests received at BSNLCO shall be considered on quarterly basis based on the shortages/ surplus in Circles.
12. It may be noted that orders issued by BSNLCO on the basis of requests submitted by employees shall not be cancelled under any circumstances. Therefore, the employees should be careful while submitting the request application for transfer.
13. No manual applications for transfer shall be considered.
14. Requests from executives, who are already under transfer by BSNLCO or not completed tenure as prescribed in the Transfer Policy, shall not be entertained.
15. Any request application for request transfer from Territorial Circle to Non Territorial Circle or from Non Territorial Circle to Territorial Circle for same station shall not be considered normally. However, if executive is ready for change of station, it shall be considered by BSNLCO.
16. Once an application is submitted / processed and it attains its finality i.e. rejected/approved by BSNLCO in a quarter, then employee shall not submit the application for the same cause and stations in the subsequent quarter.
17. The discretion of the management regarding rejection/acceptance of request will be final and no employee should approach management through any political channel.
18. Request transfer orders shall be implemented by the Circle Office/ BA within three months of issue of transfer orders by BSNL CO, failing which executive may be directly relieved from ERP or order may be cancelled if management decides to do so in the interest of organization.
19. The detailed timeline for processing of transfer request is elaborated as under :
Sr. No | Particulars | Quarter-I | Quarter-II | Quarter-III | Quarter-IV |
1 | Online Submission of request by Executive |
16th Jan to 31st Jan | 16th April to 30th April | 16th July to 31th July | 16th Oct to 31th Oct |
2 | Forwarding of Application by Controlling GM | By 15th Feb | By 15th May | By 15th August | By 15th November |
3 | Forwarding of Application by GM(HR) Circle Office | By 28/29th Feb | By 31st May | By 31th August | By 30th November |
4 | Issue of Order by Personnel Branch BSNL CO New Delhi | By last fortnight of quarter | By last fortnight of quarter | By last fortnight of quarter | By last fortnight of quarter |
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(O.N Tiwari)
Jt. GM (Pers-SM)
BSNL CO, New Delhi
Copy to:
PS to CMD/All Directors of BSNL Board, New Delhi.
The PGM (ERP) for kind info and n/a pl.
Intranet Portal.
Order Bundle/Spare Copy.
(Nereus Barwa)
AGM (Pers-I)
No. 16/1,Chowla Galli A. T. Street Cross Bangalore -560002