Guidelines for issue of Oxygen Concentrator for Post COVID patients โ CGHS OM 01 March 2021
F.No. S.11011/4/2021-EHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 01st March, 2021
Subject: Guidelines for issue of Oxygen Concentrator for Post COVID patients.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the OM No. S.1 1011/4/2014-CGHS (P) dated 05.03.2014 in which the procedure for grant of permission /post facto approval and reimbursement of the cost of CPAP/BIPAP/Oxygen concentrator etc. were prescribed and OM No.1-19/2018/CGHS (HQ)/R&H/EHS dated 03.06.2019, wherein the rates for the abovementioned Respiratory appliances were revised.
1.All Ministries/Departments, Government of India,
2.Director, CGHS, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
3.Addl. DDG(HQ), CGHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
4.AD(HQ), CGHS, R.K. Puram, Sec-12, New Delhi.
5.All Addl. Directors/Joint Directors of CGHS cities outside Delhi.
6.Additional Director(SZ)(CZ)KEZ)/NZ)(MSD), MCTC CGHS, New Delhi.
7.JD(HQ), JD(Grievance)/AD(R&H), CGHS, Delhi.
8.DDG(M), CMO(SRA), Dte. GHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
9,Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi.
10.Registrar, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi.
11.U.P.S.C., Dholpur House, New Delhi
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