Engagement of only Certified Skill Workers for all Government contract works โ€“ EPFO Circular Dtd. 4th March 2021


Engagement of only Certified Skill Workers for all Government contract works โ€“ EPFO Circular Dtd. 4th March 2021

Engagement of only Certified Skill Workers for all Government contract works โ€“ EPFO Circular Dtd. 4th March 2021

Employeesโ€™ Provident Fund Organisation
Ministry of Labour & Employment ,
Government of India
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan
Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066


No. A-45012/4/2021/HRM-VIII

Dated: 18.3.2021


All ACCs (HQ) I All ACCs In-charge (Zonal Offices),
ACC (ASD) Head Office,
Director, PDNASS.

Subject: Engagement of only Certified Skill Workers for all Government contract works โ€“ regarding.


Please find enclosed herewith a copy of letter no A-1 1025/01/2021-Adm.I dated 04.3.2021 received from Ministry of Labour & Employment alongwith its enclosure i.e. a copy of D.0.No. SD- 12/1/2021-US(ECO DIV)/58 dated 12th February, 2021 received from Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship for information and strict compliance.

Encl:As above.

Yours faithfully

(Uma Mandal)
Additional Central P.F. Commissioner (HRM)

Copy to: (through Web Circulation)
1. Sh. Nirmal Kumar Bhagat, US (MoL&E) โ€“ for information with reference to letter no. A- 11025/ l/202 l -Adm.I dated 04.3.2021
2. Staff Officer to CPFC โ€“ for information please.
3. PS to ACC(HQ)(HR).
4. FA&CAOIAll ACCs(HQ),Head Office
5. Chief Vigilance Officer.
6. All Addl.CPFCs (Head Office).
7. Hindi Section for Hindi Version.


No.A-11025/01/2021-Admn .I
Government of India
Ministry of Labour

Shram Shakti Bhawan,
Rafi Marg, New Delhi,

Dated 4th March, 2021


Sub:- Engagement of only certified skill workers for all Government contract works โ€“ reg.

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of D.O. No.SD-12/ 1/2021-US(ECO DIV) I 58 dated 12rd February, 2021 received from Secretary , Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship on the subject cited above which is self โ€“ explanatory for information and appropriate action.

Encl: As above.

(Nirmal Kumar Bhagat)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 23766903

1. All Bureau Heads/Directors/OS/ of MoLE.

2. CPFC, EPFO, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi- 110066

3. DG (ESIC), 14, Panchdeep Bhawan, C.l.G Road, New Delhi-110002

4. DG, Mines Safety, Dhanbad, Jharkhand- 826016

5. DGFASLI, Central Labour Institute Building, N.S.Mankikar Marg, Sien, Mumbai-400022

6. QG, WGNLI, Sector-.24, Neida, Gautam Budh Nagar-201301
7. DGLB. M/o Labour & Employment, SCO 28-31, Sector 17-A Chandigarh-160017.

8 Director Oattopant Thengadi Natjonal Board for Workers Education and Development. North Ambazari Road, Nagpur-440033 โ€˜

9. CLC(C), S.S.Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.

10. DG (E), S.S.Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf