Clarification on regularization of absence due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic: Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti issues 33 Points FAQ


Clarification on regularization of absence due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic: Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti issues 33 Points FAQ

Clarification on regularization of absence of the employees of the Samiti due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic: Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti issues 33 Points FAQ


Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Deptt. of School Education & Literacy

No.F. 12-04/2017-NVS(Admn.)/924

Dated 19.03.2021


The Deputy Commissioner
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
All Regional Offices

Sub: Clarification on regularization of absence of the employees of the Samiti due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic -reg.


This is regarding regularization of absence of the employees of the Samiti due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Many representations seeking clarification on the subject have been received_ The representations have been examined/analyzed in light of the relevant instructions issued by the Govt. of India as well as NVS from time to time.

Ministry of Home Affairs vide order No. 40-3/2020-DM-l(A) dated 24.03.2020 conveyed closure of all activities to contain the spread of COVID-19 Pandemic w.e.f. 25.03.2020. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti also issued directions to close all the Vidyalayas and handover all the students to their parents safely vide letter dated 19.03.2020. lnstruc ion was also given to complete the evaluation of non­ board class answer papers and declare the result on 31.03.2020. Decision of NVS was also communicated to advance the summer vacation and summer vacation was declared w.e.f. 01 .04.2020.

All the Principals were directed to arrange for online classes w.e.f. 15.06.2020. All the teachers were directed to report to JNVs on 10.06.2020 . Online training was also arranged for teachers and Principals through Nlls to impart techniques to handle online classes as well as online assessment. In all the correspondences with Regional Offices and JNVs, relaxation in respect of teachers who were staying in containment zone was also intimated. All the JNVs were directed to strictly follow the directions of MHA and guidelines issued by NVS.

Jawahar Novodaya Vidyalayas are residential schools where accommodation is made available to all the staff in the campus. For handling online classes, teachers were directed to stay safely in their respective quarters and prepare for the classes.

In case of the vacation staff who worked for JNV during vacation, compensatory earned leave is applicable as intimated vide letter No. 14013(11)/40/2019/Estt.III/15329-15928 dated 9.11.2020.

Representations are being received regarding the regularization of the period of absence due to various reasons/grounds. All the grounds have been analyzed and the following guidelines are given for follow up action:

S. No. Points Comments

A. During Lockdown (from 23rd March 2020 to 29th June 2020. Reference D.O. no. 40-3/2020-DM-l(A) dt. 29.06 .2020)


Employees who have left the campus prior to 23rd March 2020 with due permission but not reported back to duty place (JNV/Office) .

Deemed to have joined on 23.03.2020, if intimation, in any form indicating difficulty in joining duty due to non-availability of public transport/ flights has been given by the Government servant to the office and worked from home. Those who left the campus/ office without permission have to apply for leave.
2. Government servants who were on official tour and were unable to return to their Headquarters due to non­ availability of Public Transport.

Deemed to have joined duty on the date of expiry of official tour, if intimation in any form indicating difficulty in joining duty due to non­ availability of public transport/ f lights has been given by the Government servant to the office.

3. Government servants who were on leave prior to issue of lockdown orders with effect from 25.03.2020 and the leave ended during lockdown period. Deemed to have joined duty on the date of expiry of leave, if intimation in any form indicating difficulty in joining duty due to non­ availability of public transport/ flights has been given by the Government servant to the office. In case of leave on medical grounds, this is subject to production of medical/fitness certificate.
4. Government Servants who were on leave prior to issue of orders on lockdown with effect from 25.03.2020 and the leave period expired during the lock down period, but who wish to curtail the leave before expiry and join duty. Curtailment of sanctioned leave may not be agreed to, unless allowed by the leave sanctioning authority only in rare cases based on official exigency. From the date following the date of expiry of sanctioned leave during the period of lockdown, the employee may be deemed to have joined duty.
5. Stayed at allotted accommodation in the JNV/NU and contributed for NVS If the employee has given intimation to the Controlling Officer and officially worked, it can be considered as on duty.

B. After Lockdown – w.e.f. 30th June 2020 non vacation staff who are provided with official accommodation in the campus –

6. Stayed at allotted accommodation in the JNV/NU and did not contribute for NVS. Such employees have to apply for leave for complete absence from the duty
7. After lockdown, reported after due date to the work place without any exempted reasons like stay at the containment zone etc. Employee has to apply for leave for the period concerned.
8. Stayed at containment zone and did not report for duty. Special Casual leave may be sanctioned after submitting documentary proof.
9. Reported COVID positive and stayed at home Special casual leave for COVID positive period may be sanctioned after submitting documentary proof.
10. Did not attend office due to illness but worked from allotted quarters. Will be treated as on duty.
11. Due to illness I as a precautionary measure did not attend office Employee has to apply for commuted leave which can be sanctioned without medical certificate or leave of any kind may also be applied.
12. An employee was asked to remain in quarantine on return from outstation duty. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority
13. An employee remained in quarantine due to Central/State Govt. instructions. An employee who reached the station but was in the quarantine for 14 days as per the requirement of Slate Govt./controlling authority. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority.
14. An employee who was advised by Medical Authority to remain in quarantine/treatment for “N” number of days. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority.
15. An employee who was in HQ but did not attend office/ did not work for NVS. It is to be treated as absence. He/she has to apply for leave of kind due for regularization of absences.
16. The employees with co- morbidities. pregnant women and differently obied employees during COVID-19 pandemic. Employees with co-morbidities (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc.), pregnant women and differently obied employees will be treated on duty, if they have worked from allotted quarters.

C. After Lockdown (vacation staff of JNVs) w.e.f. 30th June 2020 (with consideration of additional 15 days)

17. Stayed at allotted accommodation in the JNV and did not contribute for NVS Such employees have to apply for leave for complete absence from the duty
18. Af ter lockdown. reported late to the work place without any exempted reasons like non- availability of Public Transport. stay at the containment zone etc. Employee has to apply for leave for the period concerned.
19. Stayed at containment zone and did not report for duty. Special Casual leave may be sanctioned after submitting documentary proof.
20. Reported COVID positive and stayed at allotted quarters. Special casual leave for COVID positive period may be sanctioned after submitting documentary proof.
21. Due to illness I as a precautionary measure did not attend office Employee has to apply for commuted leave which can be sanctioned without medical certificate or leave of any kind may also be applied.
22. An employee was asked to remain in quarantine on return from outstation duty. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority


An employee remained in quarantine due to Central/State Govt. instructions. An employee who reached the station but was in the quarantine for 14 days as per the requirement of State Govt./controlling authority. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority.
24. An employee who was advised by Medical Author ity to remain in quarantine/treatment for “N” number of days. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority .
25. An employee who was in HQ but did not attend office/work for NVS. It is to be treated as unauthorized absence. He/she has to apply for leave of kind due for getting the revised requirement

D. After Lockdown for officials who are not provided with official accommodation w.e.f. 30th June 2020

26. After lockdown, reported late to the work place without any exempted reasons like non- availability of Public Transport . stay at the containment zone etc. Employee has to apply for leave for the period concerned.
27. Stayed at containment zone and did not report for duty. Special Casual leave may be sanctioned after submitting documentary proof.
28. Reported COVID positive and stayed at home Special casual leave for COVID positive period may be sanctioned after submitting documentary proof.
29. Due to illness I as a precautionary measure did not attend office Employee has to apply for commuted leave which can be sanctioned without medical certificate or leave of any kind may also be applied.
 30. An employee was asked to remain in quarantine on return from outstation duty. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority
 31. An employee remained in quarantine due to Central/ State Govt. instructions. An employee who reached the station but was in the quarantine for 14 days as per the requirement of State Govt./controlling authority. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority.
 32. An employee who was advised by Medical Authority to remain in quarantine/treatment for “N” number of days. Special Casual leave (SCL) to be sanctioned by respective leave sanctioning authority.
33. An employee who was in HQ but did not attend office/did not work for NVS. It is to be treated as unauthorized absence. He/she has to apply for leave of kind due.

As per the Govt Order No. 2 1 / 3/ 2020 E.11(8) dated 01 . 12.2020 , transport allowance will not be granted if the employee did not attend the office at least for a single day in the month, even if he/ she has worked from home.

The period of absence will be regularized by the Deputy Commissioners after verifying the details in respect of JNV staff as per the recommendation of the Principal. Deputy Commissioner of the Office is empowered to approve in respect of NLI and RO staff except for self. In respect of Deputy Commissioners, the details are to be forwarded to NVS HQrs for seeking approval of the Competent Authority.

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

(Raghuvendra Kumar)
Asstt. Commissioner (Admn.)


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