Cadre review of IDAS – Constitution of Cadre Review Committee vide CGDA order dated 08.03.2021

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Cadre review of IDAS – Constitution of Cadre Review Committee vide CGDA order dated 08.03.2021

Cadre review of IDAS – Constitution of Cadre Review Committee vide CGDA order dated 08.03.2021

कार्यालय, रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
उलन बटार रोड, पालम, दिल्‍ली छावनी – 110010
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010

AN-I/1179/Cadre Review/2013 (Vol.12)

Date: 08.03.2021


All PCsDA/PIFA/CsDA/IFAs, IDAS Association
(through website only)

Subject: Cadre review of IDAS.

As per DoP&T guidelines I-11011/0/2009-CRD dated 14.12.2010, every cadre should be reviewed once in every five years (copy enclosed). Last cadre review of IDAS was carried out in the year 2017. Now, Cadre Review of IDAS is due in the year 2022. Therefore, competent authority has constituted a Cadre Review Committee headed by Shri Avinash Dikshit, Addl. CGDA along-with the following members and Member Secretary for preparing the cadre review proposal so that necessary approvals may be obtained:

i. Jt. CGDA (Coordination/Inspection/Regulation) – Member
ii. Jt. CGDA (AF/DRDO/Internal Audit) – Member
iii. Jt. CGDA (Finance/GeM) – Member
iv. Jt. CGDA (Pension/PD) – Member
v. Jt. CGDA (Army/BR/Works/Funds/HRD) – Member
vi. Jt. CGDA (IT & Systems/Offset Audit) – Member
vii. Shri Swapnil Agrawal, Sr. Asstt. CGDA (Admin) – Member Secretary

2. It is, therefore, requested to provide your suggestion with respect to envisage the cadre review along with detailed justification for the same (with soft copies).

3. Since 1st report of cadre review proposal is to be submitted within 04 months, it is requested to provide your inputs at the earliest.

4. This issue with the approval of CGDA.

(Swapnil Agrawal)
Sr. Asstt. CGDA(AN)

Copy to:

i PS to Addl. CCGDA (AD)
ii. Jt. CGDA (Coordination/Inspection/Regulation)
iii. Jt. CGDA (AF/DRDO/Internal Audit)
iv. Jt. CGDA (Finance/GeM) For information, please.
v. Jt. CGDA (Pension/PD)
vi. Jt. CGDA (Army/BR/Works/Funds/HRD)
vii. Jt. CGDA (IT & Systems/Offset Audit)
viii. IT & S Wing (Local) – with request to upload the letter on the CGDA’s website.

(Swapnil Agrawal)
Sr. Asstt. CGDA(AN)


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