Permission for retention of railway accommodation for ADRMs posted to unpopular Divisions: RBE No. 118 /2020


Permission for retention of railway accommodation for ADRMs posted to unpopular Divisions: RBE No. 118 /2020

Permission for retention of railway accommodation for ADRMs posted to unpopular Divisions

RBE No. 118 /2020


No. E(G) 2020 RN 2-10 New Delhi,

dated 30. 12. 2020

The General Manager/Director General
All Indian Railways/Production Units/RDSO-Lucknow
(As per Standard mailing list)

View: Relaxation for retention of railway accommodation in view of Novel Corona virus (COVID-19) : Railway Board RBE No.103/2020

Sub: Permission for retention of railway accommodation for ADRMs posted to unpopular Divisions.

The issue of retention of railway accommodation at the previous place of posting by ADRMs posted to unpopular Divisions has been considered by the Board.

2. In exercise of the powers to make reasonable relaxations in public interest for a class/group of employees, in all or any of the existing provisions regarding house allotment/retention, full Board have decided that General Managers of Zonal Railways shall be empowered to consider and allot quarters for ADRMs posted to unpopular Divisions (to be decided by GMs themselves) at the Zonal Railway Headquarters on a need basis.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

4, Please acknowledge receipt.

View: Grant additional increment to sportsperson for their sports achievements: Delegation of power to Zonal Railways: RBE No. 111/2020 Clarification

(Anita Gautam)
Director Establishment (Genl.)
Railway Board

No. E(G) 2020 RN 2 โ€“ 10 New Delhi, dated 30. 12. 2020

View: Payment of HRA to the staff posted at Raniganj Railway Station at par with Asansol (UA) (Y class city): Railway Board

1. PFA, all Indian Railways and Production Units
2. Joint Director (Finance) RDSO, Lucknow
3, Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No. 224, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (copy with 46 spares).


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