Regularisation of absence due to Covid-19 epidemic & Lockdown: Clarification on rest of the points of doubts after DoPT OM

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Regularisation of absence due to Covid-19 epidemic & Lockdown: Clarification on rest of the points of doubts after DoPT OM

Regularisation of absence due to Covid-19 epidemic & Lockdown: Clarification on rest of the points of doubts after DoPT OM

Office of Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys)
10-A, S. K. Bose Road, Kolkata โ€“ 700 001

No: 2337/AN-I/Vol-IX

Date: 23.12.2020


  1. All C strollers of Finance & Accounts (Fys)
  2. All B inch Accounts Offices

Subject: Clarification on regularisation of absence due to Covid-19 epidemic: regarding.

Reference: HQrs Office Letter No: AN/XIV/19404/Leave matters/Vol-III dated 04.12.2020.

A copy of HQrs Office letter No: AN/XIV/19404/Leave matters/Vol-III dat 04.12.2020 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information guidance and further necessary action please.

Encl: As above.

(Praveen Ranjan)
Jt Controller of Accouts (Fys)

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt. โ€“ 110010

No. AN/XIV/19404/Leave matters/VoLIII,

Dated: 04.12.2020


The PCsDA/PCA (Fys)/CsDA

Subject: Clarification on regularization of absence due to Covid-19 epidemic: a regarding.

References have been received from PCsDA/CSsDA regarding regularization of absence of govt servant due to Covid-19 epidemic. The matter has been examined with reference to clarification/instruction issued by DoP&T/MHA on the subject matter before and after lockdown. In this context it is pertinent to mention that DoPT vide O.M No.14029/5/2019-Estt.(L)(Pt.2) dated 28.07.2020 (circulated vide this HQrs Office letter dated 07.08.2020) has issued clarification/instructions on regularization of absence or leave during lockdown period. It has been noticed that most of the point of doubts raised by the PCsDA/CsDA have been clarified/covered in the above referred O.M dated 28.07.2020. It is, therefore, advised to follow the instructions contained in the ibid O.M dated 28.07.2020 on the subject.

2. Further the DoP&T has also issued the following clarifications/guidelines in this subject:

Sl. No. O.M No & Date  Specific guidelines
1. No. 11013/9/2014-Estt.A.III dated 19.05.2020 i. The govt servants who have underlying condition (co morbidities) and were undergoing treatment for these ailments before lockdown, may as far as possible be exempted from roster duty upon production of medical prescription from treating physician under CGHS/CS (MA) Rules, as applicable. Similarly, Person with Disabilities and Pregnant women may also not be included in the roster to be prepared.
2. No. 11013/9/2014-Estt.A.III, dated 05.06.2020 i. Only asymptomatic staff/visitors shall be allowed.

ii. Any officer and staff residing in containment zone should inform the same to supervisory officer and not attend the office till containment zone is de-notified. Such staff should be permitted to work from home and it will not be counted as leave period.

iii. Advise all employees who are at higher risk i.e older employees, pregnant employees and employees who have underlying medical condition, to take extra precautions. They should preferably not be exposed to any front-line work requiring direct contact with public. Office management to facilitate work from home wherever feasible.

iv. The suspect case if reporting very mild/mild symptoms on assessment by the health authority would be placed under home isolation.

3. No. 11013/9/2014-Estt.A.III, dated 07.10.2020 i. All officers/staff in the containment zone shall be exempted from coming to office till the  containment zone is de-notified.

ii. Person with Disabilities and pregnant employees shall continue to work from home till further orders.

3. The rest of the points of doubts have been examined with reference to clarifications/instructions issued by the DoP&T in the above tabulated O.Ms and the following inference may be derived to process the case further:

i. A govt employee who is detected Covid-19 positive and advised home/institutional quarantine or hospitalized may be granted appropriate leave i.e CMU/HPL etc as per rules on the subject.

ii. The govt employee who was detected Covid-19 positive and on discharge from hospital (after negative report) advised further home quarantine for a specific period as a precautionary measure and which is not covered in medical period. In such case the individual may be permitted to work from home based on the supporting document and subject to the condition that the govt servant has informed his/her supervisory officer about his above condition.

iii, A govt servant or their family members (residing with govt servant) have covid-19/flu like symptoms and due to this govt servant could not attend office. Such period may be treated as work from home provided the govt servant apprised his superior officer.

iv. In case family member/members of a govt servant residing with govt servant detected covid-19 positive. The residence of the govt servant falls under containment zone and thus govt servant may be allowed to work from home till de-notification of containment zone.

v. The govt servants who have underlying condition (co morbidities) and were undergoing treatment for these ailments before lockdown, may as far as possible be exempted from roster duty upon production of medical prescription from treating physician under CGHS/CS (MA) Rules, as applicable and they may be allowed to work from home.

vi. A govt servant move from one state to another state, one city/district to another city/district on transfer/promotion and local administration/medical authority prescribes mandatory quarantine for such person. In such case, the individual may be allowed to work from home in the quarantine period after due verification of orders issued by local administration/medical authority in this regard.

vii. In initial stage of gradual opening of lockdown there were scant public transport and also individual had to secure e-pass from local authority for movement. Keeping in view of the difficult faced by the govt servant during such period/circumstances, the competent authority may consider absence for regularization as work from home as per the clarification issued vide O.M No. 14029/5/2019-Estt.(L)(Pt.2) dated 28.07.2020 on production of supporting documents, if available in support of the claim.

viii. The issue relating to grant of various allowances and increment may be regulated accordingly.

4. In case any orders contradicting with the above clarifications is issued subsequently by the Nodal Ministry, the instructions issued by the Nodal Ministry will prevail and the leave/absence will be re-adjusted/regularized accordingly.

This issues with the approval of the CGDA.

(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)
Dy.CGDA (Admin.)


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