Reckoning of Charge Allowance for pre-post-2016 cases โ Customisation of ARPAN: Railway Board Order RBA No. 93/2020
File No.2018/ACII/21/2/ARPAN
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
RBA No. 93/2020
No. 2018/AC-II/21/2/ARPAN
New Delhi, dated 11.12.2020
Pr. Financial Advisor,
North Eastern Railway,
Sub:- Reckoning of Charge Allowance for pre-post-2016 cases- Customisation of ARPAN.
Ref:- 1. Boardโs letter no. D-43/15/2019-F(E)III dated 30.01.2020(RBE No. 14/2020)
2. WRโs letter no. PEN/05372/E789/ARPAN/Charge Allowance dated 16.3.2020.
Please connect NER Letter No. Admn/79/180/23/Pt.IV dated 11.12.2020 on the above subject. Suitable clarification has already been issued by Board in this regard vide letter cited under reference (1) above. ARPAN Team/WR has also confirmed that the relevant module in ARPAN Portal has suitably been customized to facilitate pension revision on this account. The procedure for the same has also been notified to all concerned vide WRโs letter cited under reference ( 2 ) above (copy enclosed ).
Suitable instructions may kindly be issued to the concerned.
DA:As above
( V. Prakash)
Joint Director Accounts
Railway Board
Copy to :PFAs of All Zonal Railways/PUs
No.PEN/05372/E789/ARPAN/Charge Allowance dt.16-03-2020
<Zonal Raitways/Pus>
Sub: Reckoning of Charge Allowance for revision of Pre-post-2016 Pension cases
Ref : Railway Boardโs letter No.D-43/15/2019-F(E)III dt.30-01-2020
In terms of clarifications issued vide Railway Boardโs above referred letter, in order to revise the Pre-2016 as well as Post-2016 pension cases as per the recommendations of 7 CPC in ARPAN Module by reckoning the element of Charge Allowance as Pay which the following procedure may be adopted respectively:
i. Revision of Pre-2016 cases:
The cases that have been revised excluding element of Charge Allowance actually drawn by the ex-employee may be re-opened and re-processed by taking into account the last pay as Basic Pay plus Charge Allowance by applying same Concordance Table as originally selected at the time of revision under 7th CPC. Considering the methodology adopted in construction of Notional Pay Ready Reckoner Table, the modified last pay (basic pay + charge allowance) if does not fit the prescribed pay slab/pay range in the concordance table, the basic pay provided in very next range/slab, may be reckoned as basic pay for determining the Notional pay for revision of pension/family pension w. e. f 1-01-2016 as per 7th CPC.
ii. Revision of Post-2016 cases:
In terms of para-3(iii) of Bdโs letter dt.30-01-2020, in the case of post-2016 cases settled in ARPAN, since both PPO as well as Settlement dues need to be revised, the affected cases may be initiated and re-processed in โARPAN-Revision Moduleโ by selecting โChange in Payโ option and basic pay may be modified by adding component of Charge Allowance actually drawn by the railway servant at the time of retirement as per the payroll detail. The entire cycle of settlement process at all levels of USERS may be completed for successful generation of Bills (difference settlement bills) as well as revised PPOs. Due care may be taken to ensure correctness of settlement bills actually payable to the retired employee. The cases where PPOs were generated in ARPAN but payment of Settlement dues was made outside ARPAN, the same methodology may be adopted to avoid undue overpayment of revised settlement dues. Further, since the ARPAN generated Bills data needs to be pushed to IPAS platform though SFTP, the 8 digit PF number may be modified in Bill txt file data at par with IPAS party master (IPAS-PF Number) for seamless transition of bills.
In case of any difficulty, ARPAN Team may be contacted for technical assistance.
(Praneet Choudhary)
Dy. Chief Accounts Officer (Genl)
Cc: JDA/RB: w.r.t Bdโs letter No.2018/AC-II/21/2/ARPAN (RBE-22/2020) dt.26-02-2020