Payment of HRA to the staff posted at Raniganj Railway Station at par with Asansol (UA) (โ€˜Yโ€™ class city): Railway Board


Payment of HRA to the staff posted at Raniganj Railway Station at par with Asansol (UA) (โ€˜Yโ€™ class city): Railway Board

Payment of HRA to the staff posted at Raniganj Railway Station at par with Asansol (UA) (โ€˜Yโ€™ class city): Railway Board

(Railway Board)

No. E(P&A)ll/E/2020/HRA-2

New Delhi, dated 30.12.2020

The General Manager (P),
Eastern Railway, Kolkata.

Sub: Payment of HRA to the staff posted at Raniganj Railway Station at par with Asansol (UA) (โ€˜Yโ€™ class city).

Ref: ERโ€™s letter No.AE.SPC/3/2K/ASN dated 24.02.2020.


Eastern Railwayโ€™s request received vide letter under reference for payment of HRA to the staff posted at Raniganj Railway Station at par with Asansol (UA) (โ€˜Yโ€™ class city) with effect from 3rd day of June, 2015.

2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Deptt of Expenditure) and it is stated that the classification of towns/cities is done on the basis of population as per Census Reports. As per Reports of Census 2001 and 2011, Asansol (UA) has a population of above 5 lakhs which makes it a โ€˜Yโ€™ class city and as per these Census Reports, Raniganj (M) falls within the Asansol (UA) which makes the employees posted there eligible for same HRA w.e.f 03.06.2015 (the date on which Raniganj Municipality has been included within the jurisdiction of Asansol Municipal Corporation).

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(N. P. Singh)
Joint Director, Estt.( &A)
Railway Board

No. E(P&A)ll/E/2020/HRA-2

New Delhi,dated 30.12.2020

Copy to :-

1. Principal Financial Adviser, Eastern Railway, Kolkata.
2. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure), E.11(8) Section, North Block, New Delhi with reference to their l.D. No. 2/1/2018-E.ll(B) dated 18.12.2020.


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