Payment of Allowance in lieu of Kilometerage (ALK) at the rate of 30% to Running Staff who were not assigned running duties due to cancellation of passenger carrying trains on account of COVID-.19
New Delhi, dated 17.12.2020
The General Managers (P),
All Indian Railways
Sub: Payment of Allowance in lieu of Kilometerage (ALK) at the rate of 30% to Running Staff who were not assigned running duties due to cancellation of passenger carrying trains on account of COVID-.19.
References/ queries have been received from some of the zonal Railways and also from Federations regarding Payment of Allowance in lieu of Kilometerage (ALK) @ 30% in terms of provisions contained in para 927 read with para 907 (a) of IREM to the Running Staff who could not be assigned running duties due to cancellation of passenger carrying trains on account of COVID-19. This matter is being examined in Boardโs office. In this context it is requested to inform as to whether any payment against ALK @ 30% to the aforestated staff has been made by your Railway. In case any payment has been made, month-wise break-up of the amount from March 2020 to November 2020 may please be made available to Boardโs office by 28.12.2020 so that the matter could be examined further.
This may be accorded TOP PRIORITY.
(N.P Singh)
Jt. Dir. E(P&A)
Railway Board