Making available publically scores and rankings of candidates in the recruitment examinations through portal: DoPT OM 21st Dec 2020

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Making available publically scores and rankings of candidates in the recruitment examinations through portal: DoPT OM 21st Dec 2020

Making available publically scores and rankings of candidates in the recruitment examinations through portal: DoPT OM 21st Dec 2020

F. No. 39020/01/2016 Estt. (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi
Date: 21st December, 2020

Office Memorandum

Subject: Making available publically scores and rankings of candidates in the recruitment examinations through portal โ€” reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departmentโ€™s OM of even number dated 21.06.2016 delineating the modalities for disclosure of scores and rankings of the candidates in the recruitment examinations conducted by various recruitment agencies. Subsequently, public recruitment agencies viz. UPSC, SSC, RRB etc were advised to use NCS portal of Ministry of Labour & Employment for disclosure of the scores and ranking of the candidates, vide this Departmentโ€™s OM dated 19.07.2017. All the public recruitment agencies were requested to link their respective web pages to NCS portal ( of Ministry of Labour & Employment for disclosure of scores and ranking of all the candidates appearing in the final stage of each recruitment process being conducted by them. All Ministries/Departments were also requested to direct the recruitment agencies working under them for doing the needful.

2. Public recruitment agencies invest a lot of time and resources for conduct of exams and a number of students appear in multiple exams before clearing a particular exam and the data base of such non-recommended candidates who have successfully cleared all stages of recruitment may be helpful to private and public employers finding the right person to fill their vacancies and reduce the cost of recruitment.

3. Therefore, all the Ministries/Departments of Government of India are requested to advise Public Sector Enterprises, Autonomous/Statutory Bodies, Societies, Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and other organizations, not being a participating service in the recruitment examination the results of which are proposed to be utilized, under their administrative control to utilize the lists displayed by the public recruitment agencies in their recruitment, as per suitability of the posts.

4. All the public recruitment agencies are once again requested to link their web pages to NCS portal of Ministry of Laobur & Employment for disclosure of scores/ranking of all the candidates appearing in the final stage of each recruitment process being conducted by them, as per the modalities laid down in this Departmentโ€™s OM dated 21.06.2016.

(Kabindra Joshi)
Director (E.II)


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