KVS โ€“ Fee verification for the 4th Quarter (January 2021 to March 2021) of the session 2020-21 on UBI Fee Portal

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KVS โ€“ Fee verification for the 4th Quarter (January 2021 to March 2021) of the session 2020-21 on UBI Fee Portal

KVS โ€“ Fee verification for the 4th Quarter (January 2021 to March 2021) of the session 2020-21 on UBI Fee Portal

110016/NEW DELHI โ€“ 110 016
TELEPHONE NO.: 26858570


Date: 17th December, 2020

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices.

Subject: Fee verification for the 4th Quarter (January 2021 to March 2021) of the session 2020-21 on UBI Fee Portal.


This office is receiving many grievances regarding problems in verification of fees and calculation of arrears. The fees/arrears can not be rectified once it is verified by the Principal login. It is pertinent to mention that arrears for the unpaid fees for the previous quarters must be collected in fourth quarter as being the last quarter of the academic session 2020-21. The complete fees for the Academic year 2020-21 must be collected in the 4th Quarter i.e. Jan to March 2021. Hence, it is directed to provide the details of the students having problem regarding verification of fees/arrears in the given format by 21.12.2020, so that KVS may resolve the issue in time:-

Sl.No KV Name Student Name Student Uniqu ID

The consolidated list may be forwarded by RO latest by 21.12.2020 at kvsdcfinance@gmail.com. The UBI fee portal is currently open for verification of students data for all classes for 4th Quarter till 27.12.2020. All Principals are requested to verify the student data by 27.12.2020 for the 4th Quarter of the academic year 2020-21 for all classes.

The collection of fees for the 4th Quarter will commence from 1st January,2020 as per the existing schedule of collection of fees applicable to KVS.

All instructions issued earlier in regard to collection of fee on UBI portal will remain same.

New Kendriya Vidyalayas: Statewise list of KVs functioning in country

The content of this letter should be circulated to all Principals of Kendriya Vidyalayas and other stake holder.

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully,

Assistant Commissioner (Finance)


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf