Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June 2020 Scores declares by National Testing Agency (NTA)


Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June 2020 Scores declares by National Testing Agency (NTA)

Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June 2020 Scores declares by National Testing Agency (NTA)

National Testing Agency
(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)

Press Release (28 December 2020)
NTA Declares Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June 2020 Scores

The Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June 2020 was conducted for the second time by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on 19 November, 21 November and 26 November 2020 all across the country except in Chemical Sciences and Mathematical Sciences in the State of “Tamil Nadu” and Union Territory of “Puducherry” due to NIVAR Cyclone. For Chemical Sciences and Mathematical Sciences in the State of “Tamil Nadu” and Union Territory of “Puducherry” was conducted on 30 November, 2020. The examination was held into two shifts at 569 centres spread across 225 cities. The examination was conducted in five subjects.

1.    Subject / Category/ Gender wise No. of Candidates Registered and Appeared:-

 Category Male Female Transgender Total
Regd Appd Regd Appd Regd Appd Regd Appd
General 7692 4980 14753 9919 1 1 22446 14900
Gen-EWS 2191 1655 1936 1500 4127 3155
OBC(NCL) 10505 6809 11871 7794 1 22377 14603
SC 4238 2352 3829 2224 1 1 8068 4577
ST 1603 945 1512 901 3115 1846
Total 26229 16741 33901 22338 3 2 60133 39081
General 1845 1226 1510 980 3355 2206
Gen-EWS 516 377 217 155 733 532
OBC(NCL) 2399 1556 1206 756 3605 2312
SC 1251 665 497 257 1 1 1749 923
ST 607 335 399 217 1006 552
Total 6618 4159 3829 2365 1 1 10448 6525
General 9758 6499 30013 20281 39771 26780
Gen-EWS 1846 1438 2917 2231 4763 3669
OBC(NCL) 10797 7174 20076 13485 2 2 30875 20661
SC 6558 3706 8862 5094 1 1 15421 8801
ST 2715 1531 4226 2449 1 1 6942 3981
Total 31674 20348 66094 43540 4 4 97772 63892
General 6500 4109 10396 6699 1 1 16897 10809
Gen-EWS 1874 1410 1555 1178 3429 2588
OBC(NCL) 9430 6298 9760 6388 19190 12686
SC 3814 2163 2764 1590 6578 3753
ST 1248 772 924 536 2172 1308
Total 22866 14752 25399 16391 1 1 48266 31144
General 8289 5517 9824 6641 1 18114 12158
Gen-EWS 1924 1503 1184 948 3108 2451
OBC(NCL) 9251 6267 7744 5192 1 16996 11459
SC 3716 2151 2158 1255 5874 3406
ST 1234 739 747 418 1981 1157
Total 24414 16177 21657 14454 2 46073 30631
General 34084 22331 66496 44520 3 2 100583 66853
Gen-EWS 8351 6383 7809 6012 16160 12395
OBC(NCL) 42382 28104 50657 33615 4 2 93043 61721
SC 19577 11037 18110 10420 3 3 37690 21460
ST 7407 4322 7808 4521 1 1 15216 8844
Total 111801 72177 150880 99088 11 8 262692 171273

2. Subject/ Category wise No of Candidates – Registered/Appeared for Lecturer Ship and JRF

General EWS OBC(NCL) SC ST Total
Regd Appd Regd Appd Regd Appd Regd Appd Regd Appd Regd Appd
Lecturer Ship 6465 3435 872 532 7457 4077 3177 1506 1342 688 19313 10238
JRF 15981 11465 3255 2623 14920 10526 4891 3071 1773 1158 40820 28843
TOTAL 22446 14900 4127 3155 22377 14603 8068 4577 3115 1846 60133 39081
Lecturer Ship 823 408 141 81 966 476 637 260 367 174 2934 1399
JRF 2532 1798 592 451 2639 1836 1112 663 639 378 7514 5126
TOTAL 3355 2206 733 532 3605 2312 1749 923 1006 552 10448 6525
Lecturer Ship 10467 5708 1100 724 10360 5785 6253 2888 3101 1502 31281 16607
JRF 29304 21072 3663 2945 20515 14876 9168 5913 3841 2479 66491 47285
TOTAL 39771 26780 4763 3669 30875 20661 15421 8801 6942 3981 97772 63892
Lecturer Ship 6653 3620 993 643 8553 5093 3065 1541 948 505 20212 11402
JRF 10244 7189 2436 1945 10637 7593 3513 2212 1224 803 28054 19742
TOTAL 16897 10809 3429 2588 19190 12686 6578 3753 2172 1308 48266 31144
Lecturer Ship 5468 2989 764 519 6030 3435 2404 1200 795 389 15461 8532
JRF 12646 9169 2344 1932 10966 8024 3470 2206 1186 768 30612 22099
TOTAL 18114 12158 3108 2451 16996 11459 5874 3406 1981 1157 46073 30631
Lecturer Ship 29876 16160 3870 2499 33366 18866 15536 7395 6553 3258 89201 48178
JRF 70707 50693 12290 9896 59677 42855 22154 14065 8663 5586 173491 123095
TOTAL 100583 66853 16160 12395 93043 61721 37690 21460 15216 8844 262692 171273


Source: NTA Click here to view/download the PDF
