Exemption from submission of summary of the Medical Report in respect of AIS officers for the PAR period 2019-2020
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
07th December, 2020
The Chief Secretaries of States / UTs
Subject:- Exemption from submission of summary of the Medical Report in respect of AIS officers for the PAR period 2019-2020 โ reg.
Sir / Madam,
I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to say that the health check is mandatory for all AIS officers above the age of 40 years. The Annual health check is done in Form IV attached with AIS(PAR)Rules, 2007 as amended from time to time and copy of the Part C i.e. Summary of Medical Report is required to be attached along with his / her PAR. As per the rules, the officer concerned is required to furnish summary of medical report alongwith self-appraisal after getting health check-up done.
2. In relaxation of AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007, as amended vide Notification dated 23.07.2019, earlier submission of summary of Medical Report was delinked from self-appraisal and was to be furnished by 30th June, 2020 vide letter dated 11th March, 2020. Further, the same was subsequently extended up to 30th December, 2020 vide letter dated 9th June, 2020 for PAR year 2019-2020.
3. In view of the situation arising out of the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), it has now been decided with the approval of the competent authority to waive the condition of submission of the summary of Medical Report by AIS officers for the PAR year 2019-2020 as a one-time measure.
(Jyotsna Gupta)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 011-23094714
Copy to :-
(1) All Ministries /Departments of Government of India
(2) Ministry of Home Affairs, being Cadre Controlling Authority for IPS
(3) Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, being Cadre Controlling Authority for IFoS
(4) EO(PR) Section, DOPT โ for information and necessary action
(5) NIC, DOPT โ for uploading on DOPTโs website